Inspired by the timeless poetry of ancient Japan, 'Song of the Nightingale' tells the fictional tale of Lady Nyo and her samurai warrior husband, Lord Nyo. With a deft juxtaposition of prose and poetry, Jane Kohut-Bartels' vivid storytelling will transport the reader on a journey of secrets,...
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Inspired by the timeless poetry of ancient Japan, 'Song of the Nightingale' tells the fictional tale of Lady Nyo and her samurai warrior husband, Lord Nyo. With a deft juxtaposition of prose and poetry, Jane Kohut-Bartels' vivid storytelling will transport the reader on a journey of secrets, subterfuges, quarrels, despair, love, dreams, miracles and, ultimately, redemption. Also included are two enlightening and creative essays about the legendary Man'yoshu, the oldest known collection of Japanese poetry from the 8th century.
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