This fantastical tale, reminiscent of fairytales of old, is the story of a man...well, more of a bean really, if you look at him from the side...let's split the difference and go with bean-shaped man. This is the story of a bean-shaped man caught between two worlds, one of passion and one of...
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This fantastical tale, reminiscent of fairytales of old, is the story of a man...well, more of a bean really, if you look at him from the side...let's split the difference and go with bean-shaped man. This is the story of a bean-shaped man caught between two worlds, one of passion and one of practicality. Will he or won't he win the hand of a somewhat birdy woman? Will too many grandmothers and other ghastly old people send him to an early grave? In the end, gassy pets and even stinkier babies may be the death of him! One thing is for certain, Bernard Wimple leads one heck of a hectic life for a man who just wants to sell men's hats.
Spritzerville,...Ohio conjures within old fogies those tales of their youth: the Golden Book series, The Wind in the Willows and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, while adding a touch of reality and a groping of humor.
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