Ancient Tomb Deities Reboot as a Non-invasive Stomach Reduction Clinic Even though the Sons of Horus have ventured outside their tomb after centuries of fruitless organ guarding, they still can’t get a date. It sounds cool to be an actual god, but not if one’s head resembles a baboon, falcon or...
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Ancient Tomb Deities Reboot as a Non-invasive Stomach Reduction Clinic
Even though the Sons of Horus have ventured outside their tomb after centuries of fruitless organ guarding, they still can’t get a date. It sounds cool to be an actual god, but not if one’s head resembles a baboon, falcon or jackal.
Halloween is their best shot at casual romance, and the brothers implore Stinky and Eddie to take them to a party. Their pick-up lines are older than the pyramids, and the hapless quartet sadly prepares to return home for another year of frustrating celibacy.
Eddie thoughtlessly offers the baboon a banana, but Stinky had a better idea. Read on.
About Stinky Stories
Stinky and Eddie appear in almost eighty comic short stories in the #1 bestselling Amazon series. Stinky is chatty and insouciant, and while Eddie may not say as much, when something needs to be done, he’s already doing it. They’re as close as Brooklyn and Queens and as unlikely to separate.
Stinky doesn’t go looking for trouble, but he can’t hide from it. It’s part of the “best looking man on the planet” package. They don’t lack for adventure in their home town, but once literary characters figure out how to “shimmer” between stories stored in the same electronic device, they put aside all thoughts of peaceful living. Stinky and Eddie would like to live quietly, but lucky for us that never happens.
Stinky and Eddie are supported by a collection of outrageous guest stars and an ever expanding cast of relatives. The stories are witty and literate and readers don’t have to leave their brains in a jar to enjoy them. Whether it’s a flat-out farce, bedroom comedy, sexy romp, sly satire or screwball family intrigue, you’re never far from a happy ending in every Stinky story. Isn’t that what we really need these days?
If you’re curious about Stinky and Eddie’s other humorous adventures, go to for quotes of the week, frequently asked questions, publication information and news of our boys’ dealings.
Information about Peter Grant’s published works, Stinky or otherwise is on his Amazon author page:
For more information about talented cover artist and filmmaker Waylon Bacon:
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