Stonebreaker is the much anticipated sequel to Peter (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Wartman's acclaimed first Graphic Novel, Over the Wall. With stunning fantasy vistas, immersive world building, and fluid, action packed art, Stonebreaker cements Wartman’s status as a break-out new talent to watch...
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Stonebreaker is the much anticipated sequel to Peter (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Wartman's acclaimed first Graphic Novel, Over the Wall. With stunning fantasy vistas, immersive world building, and fluid, action packed art, Stonebreaker cements Wartman’s status as a break-out new talent to watch out for.
Four years after saving her brother, Anya continues to explore the endless, twisting streets of the mystical city, Noridun. With the help of her friend Toris—the demon librarian—she hunts for a cure to her brother’s amnesia. Meanwhile a pair of mysterious strangers arrive in Anya’s home village. They have a plan that could change everything…! Stonebreaker is the much anticipated sequel to Peter (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Wartman's acclaimed first Graphic Novel, Over the Wall. With stunning fantasy vistas, immersive world building, and fluid, action packed art, Stonebreaker cements Wartman’s status as a break-out new talent to watch out for.
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