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Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the True Story of the American Feud by Larry Day and Suzanne Jurmain is a level S on the Fountas and Pinnell reading level scale. Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the True Story of the American Feud is about two friends who had com...
Cuba, 1900. This is a MG-level book that explores the discovery of how yellow fever is spread - basically one of those "breaking the codes" that led to numerous public health campaigns and led to more discoveries about yellow fever in the 20th century. Major Leonard Wood of the US Army spearheaded a...
Juvenile non-fiction account of the American doctors who were attempting to discover how yellow fever is spread. I found it informative, but wished that Jurmain had taken a harder look at the issues of imperialism & race which I felt lurking just behind the story.
*5 Stars*Scorecard: (Out of 10)* Quality of Writing - 9* Pace - 8* Plot development - 8* Characters - 9* Enjoyability - 10* Insightfulness - 10* Ease of Reading - 10* Photos/Illustrations - 9Final Score: 73/80 = 91%*The Gush* One can never be sure how a picture book concerning history will turn ou...
Suzanne Tripp Jurmain takes a different approach to her picture book about Thomas Jefferson and John Adams than Barbara Kerley does in THOSE REBELS, JOHN & TOM. Jurmain briefly covers the facts about their involvement in the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War and, instead, spends ...