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The Secret of the Yellow Death: A True Story of Medical Sleuthing - Suzanne Jurmain
The Secret of the Yellow Death: A True Story of Medical Sleuthing
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3.60 25
Red oozes from the patient's gums. He has a rushing headache and the whites of his eyes look like lemons. He will likely die within days. Here is the true story of how four Americans and one Cuban tracked down a killer, one of the word's most vicious plagues: yellow fever. Set in fever-stricken... show more
Red oozes from the patient's gums. He has a rushing headache and the whites of his eyes look like lemons. He will likely die within days. Here is the true story of how four Americans and one Cuban tracked down a killer, one of the word's most vicious plagues: yellow fever. Set in fever-stricken Cuba, the reader feels the heavy air, smell the stench of disease, hear the whine of mosquitoes biting human volunteers during the surreal experiments. Exploring themes of courage, cooperation, and the ethics of human experimentation, this gripping account is ultimately a story of the triumph of science.
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9780618965816 (0618965815)
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Pages no: 112
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
TeaStitchRead rated it
2.5 Review: The Secret of the Yellow Death by Suzanne Jurmain
Cuba, 1900. This is a MG-level book that explores the discovery of how yellow fever is spread - basically one of those "breaking the codes" that led to numerous public health campaigns and led to more discoveries about yellow fever in the 20th century. Major Leonard Wood of the US Army spearheaded a...
By Singing Light
By Singing Light rated it
0.0 The Secret of the Yellow Death
Juvenile non-fiction account of the American doctors who were attempting to discover how yellow fever is spread. I found it informative, but wished that Jurmain had taken a harder look at the issues of imperialism & race which I felt lurking just behind the story.
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