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Sweethearts (Audio) - Community Reviews back

by Sara Zarr
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NTE rated it 12 years ago
I think this was a really well-written YA novel, that dealt with some heavy topics - about identity and self-discovery, about friendship and growing up, about what we tell people & what we keep to ourselves - in well thought out ways. It was an intriguing premise - what if someone you thought had d...
Regina's Reads
Regina's Reads rated it 12 years ago
There are some friends in my past, from high school and college, that I really miss. I don't know why I lost touch with them but I did. I am talking about people I feel that marked me in an indelible way and yet somehow situations shifted and we were no longer in touch. This was before cell phone...
melissawritergrrlreads rated it 12 years ago
There has been so much gushing love for Sara Zarr, especially in some of the end-of-year book surveys that I've been reading over the last month. So I thought what-the-heck, and put a book on hold at the library to give her a shot. And WOW. If I learned one lesson from this experience, it's this:...
AshleyR rated it 13 years ago
3.5 stars - My least favorite Zarr novel so far, but I still have one more of her back-list left.
Horrorvacui000 rated it 13 years ago
Honestly, the only reason I read this one, was because it fit the criteria for a reading challenge. It was so-so.
Aimee rated it 13 years ago
I've been eying a few Zarr books for a while now and when I saw this on the local bookstore shelf, I decided to just grab it and ask questions later. From what I've gleamed from other books, Zarr deals with real life issues quite a bit. And this seemed to fall in line in what little I knew about the...
Pants' Books & Stuff!
Pants' Books & Stuff! rated it 13 years ago
(Review originally posted on my livejournal account: http://intoyourlungs.livejournal.com/29894.html)Why I Read It: I've been hearing praise for Sara Zarr since I first started following YA blogs (which was around 2009). Her books have also caught my eye at work, what with her debut (Story of a Girl...
Poisoning with words
Poisoning with words rated it 13 years ago
Dos amigos se separan y años después se reencuentran. Sus vidas han cambiado totalmente, pero ¿ha cambiado su amistad?Esta es una bellisima historia sobre el poder del amor y la amistad. Totalmente realista y conmovedora. Con personajes muy bien desarrollados y una trama cautivadora.Me involucre tan...
Jenuine Cupcakes
Jenuine Cupcakes rated it 14 years ago
This is the second book I've read now and honestly, while the writing is good, the stories are depressing and unfinished. I don't need a "And they lived happily ever after" ending but I'm once again left feeling like, "That's it?"
Glass @ Way Too Hot Books & Ja čitam, a ti?
I am speachless and total emotonal wreck! This book stands side by side with Jellicoe Road on my top 10 books I've read this year. I know I'll be thinking about it for the rest of the week (and my life, actually).
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