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Switched - Community Reviews back

by Amanda Hocking, Thérèse Plummer
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inselmaedchen rated it 12 years ago
Inhalt:Die 17jährige Wendy Everly hat es in ihrem Leben wirklich nicht einfach. Als sie 6 Jahre alt war, wurde sie von ihrer Mutter als Monster bezeichnet und beinahe mit einem Messer getötet, wenn ihr Bruder Matt ihr nicht das Leben gerettet hätte. Seitdem lebt ihre Mutter in einer Nervenheilanstal...
BusyMomsBookReviews rated it 12 years ago
Switched is the first book in the Trylle Trilogy, it follows a young girl named Wendy who is really a changeling. All her life Wendy has been different than any one else, when she was six her mother was convinced that she wasn’t her real child so she tries to kill Wendy. When Wendy is seventeen a bo...
Music, Books and Tea
Music, Books and Tea rated it 12 years ago
This review was first posted on Music, Books and TeaSwitched was a book that I’d heard a lot about, yet I wasn’t hooked enough to make sure I grabbed a copy at the first available opportunity. However, I couldn’t resist grabbing it when I saw it at the library, and it was definitely a good decision....
Northern Plunder
Northern Plunder rated it 13 years ago
This review was first posted on Northern Plunder, if you want to see more reviews please click here.So I started reading this straight after finished another book about Trolls which made me a little worried that due to similarities I wouldn't be able to enjoy it, however where he similarity started ...
Let the Sky Fall
Let the Sky Fall rated it 13 years ago
Sarò sincera, questo libro mi ha fatta sbellicare dalle risate, ma non sono sicura che questo fosse sempre l'intento dell'autrice. Si è trattato per lo più di un ridere per non piangere di fronte alle assurdità scritte in certe pagine.Partiamo da Wendy, che è probabilmente una delle peggiori protago...
The Word Mineur
The Word Mineur rated it 13 years ago
I gotta say the book turned out a lot better than I thought so that is a good thing. There were some parts that I didnt like but I would say overall the book was quite good. I didn't like that Finn was all like I can't be with you because we would never be able to. Yet, he kissed her and made her th...
LadyNym rated it 13 years ago
«Sai muovere gli oggetti?».«Con le mani, sì».«Ovviamente», disse alzando gli occhi al cielo. «Visto che non sei paraplegica, davo per scontato che ne fossi fisicamente capace».Questo libro è una noia mortale, lo preciso subito, non so come ho fatto ad arrivare fino alla fine.La trama poteva anche es...
No Bent Spines
No Bent Spines rated it 13 years ago
SamanthatheBookworm rated it 13 years ago
Wow. This book was amazing!
YA Novelties
YA Novelties rated it 13 years ago
Check out this review on our blog!As obvious as this is, trolls aren't featured often enough in entertainment. The only trolls known to man are the big, ugly ones that smell like dung and eat horses in Ella Enchanted. The extremely original Amanda Hocking has a created a fantasy world in which the t...
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