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text 2014-09-02 14:00
A-Z Reading Challenge ~ Completed!

I've completed my 2014 A-Z Reading Challenge!


The final two letters were V and W.


A is for April (the month in which you read the book)

     All These Things I've Done ~ Gabrielle Zevin {4-17-14}

B is for Bathing Suit (this book takes place at least partly in hot weather months)

     Strangers in Skye ~ Mabel Esther Allan {2-7-14}
C is for Children's book

    Shadows: The Books of Elsewhere ~ Jacqueline West {4-10-14}
D is for Doctor (one of the characters)

     Surgeon's Lady ~ Carla Kelly {6-5-14}
E is for Ever (in the title)

     Through the Ever Night ~ Veronica Rossi {3-21-14}
F is for Family (book is about a family or family relationships)

     Fade to Black ~ Francis Knight {1-17-14}
G is for Geography (the story takes place in at least two different countries)

     Secret Life of Lady Julia ~ Lecia Cornwall {2-3-14}

H is for Heart (it's a love story)

     When She Was Wicked ~ Anne Barton {1-11-14}
I is for Ice (the setting is cold - snow, ice, rain)

     No Good Duke Goes Unpunished ~ Sarah Maclean {1-21-14}
J is for Jokes (the book is humorous)

    Hyperbole and a Half ~ Allie Brosh {4-25-14}

K is for Keyboard (at least one character plays a musical instrument)

     Once She Was Tempted ~ Anne Barton {1-18-14}   
L is for Lamp (the book takes place before electricity was discovered)

     Kindness of a Rogue ~ Nancy Butler {4-25-14}
M is for Mom (one of the characters)

     Splintered by A. G. Howard {1-26-14}

N is for New-to-you author

      Rook ~ Daniel O'Malley {1-20-14}

O is for Out of This World (where the story takes place)

     Across the Universe by Beth Revis {1-27-14}

P is for Pilgrims (the story involves moving someplace new)

      Dark Unwinding ~ Sharon Cameron {2-11-14}

Q is for Question Mark in the title

     Who? ~ Algis Budrys ~ {4-26-14}

R is for Run (the main character is running from something)

     When the Rogue Returns ~ Sabrina Jeffries {6-7-14}    

S is for Sequel to a book you've already read

     Under the Light ~ Laura Whitcomb {4-12-14}

T is for Time (the book travels time, moves through time quickly or flashes back)

      Ruby Red ~ Kerstin Gier {1-5-14}

U is for Useful (which you found the book to be)

     Breaking Habits, Making Habits by Jeremy Dean {5-10-14}

V is for Veteran (at least one character is/was a member of a military force)

      Last of the Winter Roses ~ Jeanne Savery {7-9-14}
W is for Wind (the book blew you away)

      Partials ~ Dan Wells {8-11-14}
X is for XXIV (it's the 24th book you read this year)

      Pivot Point ~ Kasie West {1-25-14}
Y is for Yo-Yo (your emotions were up and down as you read the book)

      Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi {3-29-14}
Z is for Zoo (there is an animal on the cover)

     Tintin: The Crab with the Golden Claws ~ Hergé {1-26-14}


A-Z 2014 Reading Challenge

The Sock Poppet 2014 Reading Challenge Discussion Group

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text 2014-02-02 15:00
January Key Word Reading Challenge ~ Completed

Moonlight Reader's book collages made me sooooo jealous that I had to try it myself. I love playing around with editing photos and PicMonkey looks like it will be a lot of fun. My first attempt turned out pretty well, though I won't tell you just how long it took!


January Key Words: Angel, Secret, Clock, Black, Day, Wild





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