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review 2020-04-20 14:44
Fabulous Monsters: Dracula, Alice, Superman, and Other Literary Friends - Alberto Manguel

Alberto Manguel’s book Fabulous Monsters details those fictional characters that he seems to feel the most for. At times it is a stranger list. There is Phoebe Caulfield for one. But it is an international list and that in of itself is a pleasure. Each character gets his/her own essay. The book, like most of Manguel’s work when he writes about reading is engrossing and great fun.

At times, though, it is very strange and, dare I say, very male.

Manguel’s reading of Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty are bit disturbing, off putting. They are not necessarily wrong. But strange. He takes about the seductive power about Red Riding Hood, and while he is not wrong when he calls her both the seduced and seducer, there is something weird about that expression considering that the version Manguel mostly deals with is the Perrault version, which is really about women and sex. He also does not mention the coda in the Grimm version (I can see Angela Carter rapping his knuckles about that), and so there is a disjointed feeling.
The same is true about his reading of Sleeping Beauty where the rape versions are not mentioned, which is strange because there is a French version. It makes for slightly strange reading.


But his essays about Alice and Gertrude in particular are absolutely wonderful. His take on Alice is great and his opinion of Gertrude is quite amusing. He also gets you to look at Catcher int eh Rye in different way (besides Holden as an ass). He is one of those people who does feel something for Gertrude.

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review 2020-04-20 14:32
an essay of memory
With Borges - Alberto Manguel

Long time, heavy readers (ie everyone on this site) all have those "haven't read yet" secrets.  There is usually more than one.  For the longest time, my wasn't not having read To Kill a Mockingbird.  BUT, that is no longer the case.   


Currently, this year at least, it is that I haven't read Borges.  I've got a collection of his short fiction in my TBR mountain range, honest.  Just haven't gotten to it yet.   Maybe this year.



I mean this book makes me want to kick that collection up the TBR peaks, trail, or something - whatever the term is.


Manguel's book about Borges is in part a book about memory, part about hanging out with a legend (who does not seem to care that he is a legend) and part an illustration about how reading and books inform and make lives.  In other words, like most of Manguel's work, it is an essay about the loving of reading and how that can make a society.

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review 2019-08-14 01:33
Packing My Library: An Elegy and Ten Digressions - Alberto Manguel

Manguel is never better than when he is writing about books. In packing his library, he looks at why books and libraries are important - moving from his personal library to his work on a national library. If you read for escape or peace, if you are more at home with a book in your hand, Manguel is your type of man and author.

The digressions are interesting for he looks at how reading can bring you into a community (the example of a lack of reading is Trump). He also discusses why we keep books and how books are simply more than words

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review 2016-02-13 22:13
Tutti gli uomini sono bugiardi - Alberto Manguel,E. Liverani

“Elogio della menzogna” viene al mondo, fra botte e torture, nella cella di un carcere argentino.
Alejandro Bevilacqua, presunto autore dell’opera, spicca il volo dalla finestra della casa di Manguel la sera dopo la presentazione ufficiale del libro nella libreria Antonio Machado di Madrid.
Perché? Si tratta di suicidio o di omicidio? Chi era Alejandro Bevilacqua? Il vero autore di “Elogio della menzogna” chi era, o chi è?
A distanza di anni il giornalista francese Jean-Luc Terradillos cerca di ricostruire l’identità di Alejandro. E la verità.
Fra le voci che lo raccontano c’è qualcuno che possa farne un ritratto sincero? Qualcuno che possa riedificare una realtà smarrita o forse mai nata? Bevilacqua era veramente una presenza anonima che sapeva distinguere “tra il falso vero e il vero falso, e il primo gli sembrava più reale”? Era davvero uno pseudo-Bartleby sfuggente e impalpabile, un “abbozzo di vita”? O era l’esatto contrario?
Bevilacqua, “amante, eroe, amico, vittima, traditore, autore apocrifo…” è il risultato di verità difformi fra loro, verosimili singolarmente.


In fin dei conti, la verità si tesse con mille menzogne. Fa parte del gioco letterario. E non solo, a ben pensarci. È un gioco in voga anche nelle sale dei potenti.


P.S. Certo è che in questo romanzo di Manguel si respira, fra citazioni e riferimenti, il suo amore per la letteratura. E senza ombra di menzogna.

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text 2015-03-30 17:39
Alberto Manguel / Im siebten Kreis / S. 191
Im siebten Kreis - Alberto Manguel,Chris Hirte

Es hat mich immer erstaunt, dass die Ereignisse, die unsere Vergangenheit markieren [...] sich außerhalb der täglichen Abläufe und Verrichtungen abspielen, die unser ganzes Leben ausmachen. Die Tage sind angefüllt mit dem Erwachen, der Morgentoilette, dem Knirschen des Toasts, dem Milchduft des Frühstücksgeschirrs, dem Rascheln der Kleider, dem Durchzählen der Geldscheine, dem Klimpern der Münzen, den kleinen Gefälligkeiten, mit Lügen und Bosheiten, Erlösungen, Erleuchtungen, Augenblicken der Weisheit, Schlaf. Nichts davon berührt die großen Ereignisse. Sie finden statt, und wir machen weiter.



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