In the last 12 months I've been incredibly lucky that I've been able to travel overseas twice for extended holidays, both of which were so fun I read little to none each day, which is rather a new experience for me.
I mention this because I have to confess: my TBR pile is starting to freak me out just a little bit.
The first trip, taken last July, I read only 2-3 books but came home with over 40 new ones (Friends of the Library sales, how I love thee). The trip I just returned from, I read one book and came home with/to 19. And of course, there's been loads of acquisitions in the intervening months; months where I bought more than I've read.
I'm not only failing to maintain, but I'm rapidly losing ground in a way that is making my TBR piles resemble kudzu.
This week, the 5 listed above arrived and I've read 2. A Study in Death arrived today and I'm so excited about that one I'll knock it off easily in the next day or so, but still... kudzu.
Not, admittedly, so freaked out that I'm going to do anything crazy, like buy fewer books. Let's not be rash.