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url 2015-06-03 19:07
BEA Day 3 Recap & Bookcon

Hello, everyone! If you haven't already read my BEA Day 1 and BEA Day 2 recaps, you can do so at those links. Friday, the 29th was in some ways more chill than the other two days and somehow more hectic because my two most anticipated titles had events going on at the same time that day. Today's video recap won't have C.J., as we got back at midnight & were so exhausted, we went to sleep, and she went to the airport the next day :).


So we were a bit late into BEA today, such that when we got there, the line to go inside had already started to move. Whoops. But, actually, it's amazing how strolling in like that can reduce stress levels. I knew we had various plans because C.J. ofSarcasm and Lemons, Summer of Blue Sky Shelf, and I had some of the same books on our lists, but getting to sleep a little bit more, actually getting lunch that day (yes, I literally did not eat lunch on either Day 1 or Day 2 - it just slipped my mind)... much better. Plus, focusing on fewer books - also much better.

C.J. went to go sit in the 10:30 signing line for SIX OF CROWS by Leigh Bardugo, and was like tenth at 9:03. Yeah, BEA is that intense. (I also didn't realize this until later). Summer and I were in the BLACK WIDOW: FOREVER RED 9:30 autographing line for Margaret Stohl along with the lovely Brooke. I passed by the Maggie Stiefvater, Tessa Gratton, and Brenna Yovanoff 9:00 signing for THE ANATOMY OF CURIOSITY, but the line was already pretty big at the very beginning, so I skipped onto the Widow signing, which was the plan (C.J. in line; Summer & I to join later). As soon as I finished with that signing, I went over to the line for Six of Crows and got the sense that people were glaring / telling me to leave / to not join C.J. So I did leave. Debated what to do.

NGL, I was a little upset. But then later, I got really embarrassed by myself. Upset? What right did I even have to be upset? This is an industry event. It was my number one most anticipated title, but I'm not entitled to anything and am I really that important in the face of other people who can also promote the title? NO. Freaking BEA and getting caught up in the book fervor - I hate that, and you know what? I'd made my choice in not going to that line immediately - I should have realized that was what would happen. The moment I realized that some of my upset was rooted in this entitlement, I just wanted to go crawl into a dark corner to get over myself.

I went to two events and kinda did just that.

The two events I went to were the BLOOD AND SALT by Kim Liggett signing and the DAUGHTER OF DEEP SILENCE by Carrie Ryan signing. Kim Liggett seemed really friendly, and as with all signings, I was trying to prepare a generic question (can't ask any specifics if I haven't read the book yet; also awkward penguin = me), but all that went out of my head after Kim Liggett came around the table to hug me. She'd recognized me from my booktube channel! So shocking to me - I'd only started that channel in December and deleted many of my earlier videos because of my crappy webcam and I even nearly skipped the entirety of March. If people have recognized me, it's from my blog. Booktube? Woah. She also said that I had a calming voice and wanted me to... read to her? I don't remember what she said she wanted me to do though. Her reaction was one of the many things that calmed me, actually. It was gratifying. I don't spend much time promoting this blog or that channel, or on twitter, so it's just unexpected. And I got lucky with that Carrie Ryan signing - she was going so quickly that I was able to step in towards the end, when there were only like 10 people in front of me, and it still worked!

After I got those books, I found an open table by the Starbucks on the first floor, calmed myself and my earlier disappointment/embarrassment/etc., ate lunch, and read the PW Show Daily.

Things you can learn from the delightful PW Show Dailys:
A.) A fantastic discussion on book reviews. Do you think that bloggers are really sufficient to cover diverse books and bring them to the public's attention? I sincerely hope pubs don't take that attitude.
B.) James Patterson is starting his own imprint. First Jeff Kinney started his own bookstore, now Patterson & his imprint. Cool to see authors doing something different with books.

Another thing or two I learned from the PW Show Daily:

Y'all want to know which books are going to be "hyped" soon, right? Here's information from the article, "Early Favorites for Young Readers."

"As booksellers, librarians, and publishers descend on the Javits Center for the first full day of BookExpo America, there was strong early interest across all age ranges and genres, including adult books with YA crossover and vice versa..."


(Probably not every hyped title - and not just from the publishers, but across the industry it seems - but still a decent list, no?).

I actually went to go ask about Ruta Sepetys's title after reading this article. Turns out they had manuscripts available for booksellers - a little fascinating, no, how books come in so many different forms at BEA for promotion? I went around to the publishers, but I already had so many books, it was a little ridiculous. I did get THIS RAGING LIGHT, though, because C.J. and everyone else seems so excited by it & it was a YA Editor's Buzz Panel book. Eventually, to kill time, I started to read BLOOD AND SALT, which is quite good (see the video for more! + this blog later!).

Essentially I needed to catch the 2:51 train from New York Penn station to go back to my job. We're currently on a sort of deadline to run subjects at work, and so it didn't seem right to take Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off without running a single subject. And the very last thing on my schedule was the 2:30 galley drop of SIX OF CROWS, which I'd missed that morning (and work => why I'd wanted to get it in the morning). So I started to hover around the Macmillan booth, reading BLOOD AND SALT, at like... 12:40. Yeah, I had a feeling I was going to annoy the publicists, but I honestly didn't want to start a line so much as see when the line started and make sure that I was early so that I could go catch my train. Oh well. Line formed, line dispersed, line formed, line moved. And then once it was official, I got to talk to awesome people like Kel, Jen (in my book club :D), Kay, Lauren, and Danielle. Lines are sometimes the best!

As soon as I got that book, I sped over to NY Penn station. Made it with four minutes to spare. Books are important, people... but so is making your train.

#BEA15 ended then for me. I came back into the city after work for one last important thing:

OMG THAT BROADWAY IS AMAZING. If y'all are in New York, see it ASAP! If it comes to your city's theater sometime, SEE IT (especially if you're a writer). It's the story of how J.M. Barrie found his inspiration for PETER PAN. It was made into a film a while back, but the Broadway play is so much more inspiring (C.J. told me the film was quite depressing, actually - this play was not depressing; it had a little bit of everything - sad, funny, inspiring, glorious (aka: Christina in awe)).

On Saturday, May 30th, aka BookCon Day 1... well, I was at the Javits for like 20 minutes because I didn't want to brave any super long lines. I picked up my press badge, found the line for the SERPENTINE by Cindy Pon signing, and then left. I knew that Ameriie at Books Beauty Ameriie was really looking forward to that title, so I got it for her. I also read it immediately so that when she got a chance to read it, I'd be able to discuss the book with her. Highly recommended book! FIND & READ IT, PEOPLE.


What books are you most anticipating? What did you enjoy hearing about from BEA? How was your BEA experience? Let me know :).
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url 2015-06-03 19:04
BEA Day 2 Recap

Hey, hey! If you haven't already read my recap of Day 1 at BEA 2015, you can do so at that link (also includes a video, as this post does, with C.J. from Sarcasm and Lemons). Today honestly felt much better & I have more detail in this post than from last time as well. Same questions for the video though: a.) favorite moment of the day; b.) favorite book/grab; c.) most surprising moment/book; d.) most anticipating (and today, since our answers were unlikely to change from last time: expectations for the last day aka tomorrow!).



One of the first things I remember people advising re: BEA is to get a hotel in NYC - don't deal with Port Authority in NJ, try to save money in NJ, etc.. But I happen to live and work in NJ, and can take the train, have that ride take about an hour and be good to go, without the costs (it's okay for me, too, because I'm used to this). Still... then there are the days when you want to get to Javits by 7:30 and are awake before 5 to catch a train you literally have to sprint to (we were late).

If you're not super motivated and have good transit into the city, that's another thing to consider.

Things to learn from those PW Show Dailys!
Moving on, today we went to the Harlequin Teen Breakfast. The authors there were Eleanor Herman (LEGACY OF KINGS), Adi Alsaid (NEVER ALWAYS SOMETIMES), Jennifer Armentrout (THE WHITE HOT KISS), and Katie McGarry (NOWHERE BUT HERE). They were introduced first by an editor and then the authors and Harlequin Teen members cycled through our individual round tables to talk about various books and things.
Eleanor Herman was dressed up in a fancy white dress and golden crown and armband, and carried a Persian chalice along with her business cards. She's been on the History Channel and is known for her New York Times bestselling adult nonfiction SEX WITH KINGS. The prequel novella to LEGACY OF KINGS, VOICE OF GODS, will be releasing on July 15th for FREE.
  • This series has been described as Alexander the Great meets Game of Thrones.
  • It may be four planned books.
  • Eleanor Herman may have royal blood in her family.
  • "Very Game of Thrones for teens"
  • Eleanor Herman said that she already had the right historical background for this book but she still really wanted to make sure all the details were right. Sometimes her editor would tell her to cut down on the details for her descriptions because she was using her historian's eye too much.
Adi Alsaid is the author of LET'S GET LOST, which was promoted heavily at the last BEA. This title, NEVER ALWAYS SOMETIMES, was also described as a quirky contemporary romance. Adi said that he wasn't functional unless he had at least two cups of coffee and told us about how he'd had a self-published title out before LET'S GET LOST was pubbed with the hopes of expediting the visa process. He pulled that title once he was traditionally published. He had also previously attended BEA once before when he was not yet published.
Katie McGarry is the author of PUSHING THE LIMITS series, which has been much lauded. Now she's promoting the THUNDER ROAD series about teens in the exclusive world of motorcycle clubs. She has six months worth of experience with a motorcycle club (that she used to write the book).
Jennifer Armentrout is the author of MANY series, but for HT, she writes the Dark Elements. In this trilogy, there was a vote for who the heroine should end up with from the love triangle. Book three is not out yet, and everyone is sworn to secrecy as to who won the vote. The girl has the ability to suck the souls of other humans with a kiss. I asked Jennifer about the vote - apparently, she'd turned in the draft of the second book and the Harlequin Teen team wasn't agreed on who the girl would end up with, so they came up with the idea to have readers vote. I believe Jennifer also mentioned in passing that her father had considered naming her Belle Star. Yes, that is the detail I remember from her round robin.
At Harlequin Breakfast
Harlequin is also promoting DAUGHTER UNTO DEVILS, their major horror title, which was Little House on the Prairie meets The Shining and Robin Talley's next book, WHAT WE LEFT BEHIND, about a couple - one lesbian, one genderqueer - going to different colleges, which is one factor pulling them apart, and about "growing as a person" and "identity." They will also have a feature on Facebook called Harlequin Teen's Inner Circle. You can get into that group, review titles and interact directly with their marketing team.

The breakfast was great. C.J. and I were early enough that we met people like Jamie from the Perpetual Page-Turner, Christine from Poland Banana Books (YT), Jesse from Jesse the Reader (YT), Kat from Katytastic (YT), and Reagan from Peruse Project(YT).

We left slightly early to get in the side line to enter the exhibition hall (the side lines are generally shorter than the main exhibition lines, which people line up in very early on). The exhibition hall opened at 9:00 a.m. and we zoomed to the Disney booth to get in line for PASSENGER by Alexandra Bracken. Despite being the fourth in line from our side entrance, we got to that booth as the fifty-third & fifty-fourth signees. Not as bad as Truthwitch was yesterday, but also good publicity for this book. I asked Alexandra Bracken who her favorite character was and she said Nicholas, the hero. She also really likes the heroine, Etta, though.

From there, we were able to get galleys of Lauren DeStefano's A CURIOUS TALE OF THE IN-BETWEEN (MG debut). We went over to Scholastic then, but they were out of THE MARVELS. The publicist gave us KILL THE BOY BAND, said something like "it's the book you never knew you wanted." I also asked for GEORGE, a Publisher's Weekly MG Editor Buzz Panel book. Afterwards, we passed through Abrams for ME AND EARL AND THE DYING GIRL by Jesse Andrews - copies were being given away - and stood in line for the 11 a.m. drop of WOLF BY WOLF and HELLO, GOODBYE, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN among others, with Ashley from the Quiet Concert (and later met Nichole from TQC at Lair of Dreams). I went to see if the Gregory Maguire signing of AFTER ALICE was reasonable. It wasn't. I waited until 11:30 and told Ashley she should take my place in line because I didn't want to miss Libba Bray, whose event was ticketed, tickets to be handed out at 12:30 p.m. There I ran into Monica and she and I kinda sorta started an unofficial line for the Libba Bray signing. Therein became the problem. Our line was then told that there was a line on the other side that was more legitimate. Then that line was no longer legitimate once Steph from Cuddlebuggery thankfully pointed out that the publicists were handing out tickets for the event and not to the line itself. Lines can get real hectic at BEA...

So cool though that Libba's title has so much hype over it! I also asked Libba Bray who her favorite character was and she said that it changes depending on the scene that she's writing. She also said that Theta gets some "good lines" in this series. Also, the publicist who I was standing next to in line said that she thought that thrillers and mysteries (though just "everyone appreciates a good story") would be the next big thing.

At some point during the day, I wandered into the Penguin booth and found THE ACCIDENT SEASON and WILD ONES. One early morning and the other later. I also specifically sought out the EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING galley drop at 4:30, the 2:00 drop of THE MARVELS, the random drop of THE THING ABOUT JELLYFISH. The best thing was getting to talk to everyone while being in line, like Kel at the LOIS LANE lane and Monica at the Libba Bray line and older friends like Liliand Kristin. Also hanging out again with Summer.

But, now, the worst thing is that I am way too tired to continue writing. Toooooo tired. After that train and the time of night it is now...

if you're really looking forward to any of these titles, and we're friends, you can definitely borrow these books. let me know!
What books are you most anticipating? What would you like to hear about from BEA? How was your BEA experience? If you're at BEA and you want to meet up, let me know! If you're not, I wish you were here! And let me know what I can do to help make you feel like you were :).
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url 2015-06-03 19:01
BEA Day 1 Recap

Hello, everyone! Today I'll recap my experience of BEA Day 1. I've got a video for you with C.J. from Sarcasm and Lemons. Most of what I'll write about in this post is a sort of logistics "what-did-you-do" thing whereas the video talks more about our individual experiences & the books I got/why I'm excited for those. Let me know what y'all think!


On the train from NJ (where I currently live) to BEA!


Last year both C.J. and I went to BEA, and this year the schedule is completely different. I'm only mentioning this because I've done like 0 research on my own and would know nothing were it not for this community. Most of what I know about comes from other bloggers making spreadsheets, so thanks community! Wednesday used to be a day to pick up your badges and... leave. Unless you were going to Blogger Con, I guess. This year, Wednesday was a sort of half day, with the exhibition hall opening at 1:00 p.m. (a fact I found out last night from twitter; thanks bloggers!).

(My badge was ... not to be found. So I'm that sketchy anonymous press member. I also forgot to pick up a reprinted version later mostly because if I had free time, I was sitting down. I hope this does not cause actual problems.)


I thought that because today was a half day, it would be less intense.

I was wrong.

So, the first thing that most YA bloggers wanted to get was Truthwitch by Susan Dennard. There were 100 ARCs for a signing at 3:00 p.m., but tickets were being given out at 1:00 p.m., right when the exhibition hall opened. When C.J. and I got there, the main line outside the exhibition hall looked really intense. So, we and let's say 10 others formed a line by the side entrance and as soon as it 1:00... heh, we were fast walking beside so many other people. But, sadly, we didn't make it in time. Later we learned that the tickets were gone within 90 seconds. 90 SECONDS PEOPLE. HOW IS THAT EVEN PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE?

(But really, I have nothing to complain nothing about since I would know nothing were it not for the fellow community :D).

Also, like, if you're looking to find out what the next trend in YA is... hello, high fantasy!


From there C.J. and I searched for Little, Brown because I'd read in the "PW Show Daily" (these giant booklets that are given for free while you're waiting to get into the exhibition hall... pubbed by Publisher's Weekly... goes over various publishing industry articles like whether Amazon is good for readers and practical things like favorite NYC bookstores & food places.... also has ads by some publishers for their main titles) that they were having a galley drop at 1:00. Got there, and then caught behind the mob. Didn't really want to push through people to find Wolf by Wolf by Graudin which is what I was essentially interested in, but ...in those few seconds I wasted, the ARCs ended. Half day? WHO CARES. ;)

Did I say BEA was intense? yeah.

So we wandered over to find lists from various publishers on author events and galley drops and the like. (Funny story: at one publisher, not going to say who, a publicist was talking to her colleague about how she didn't have ARC/author event sheets because people would then have to come up and ask her, and that meant that she could for the most part avoid people). I didn't really plan much re: this BEA because I figured these sheets would end up being more helpful than so many other things. And they were (cc: below).

The next thing we went to was the galley drop at Harper Collins at 1:30 for Lauren Oliver's latest MG title... and as you see in the video, hello, new precious MG that I'm going to love (THE DOLDRUMS!). THIS LOOKS SO ADORABLE; PUT IT ON YOUR LIST TOO (and watch the video to see the artwork inside!). And from there, another drop at Little, Brown for the 2:00 of THE WITCH HUNTER & COURT OF FIVES. But what's cool is also getting to see what other people have... aka the person in front of us in line was holding A THOUSAND NIGHTS and told me about Disney's pile. So I grabbed copies of that while C.J. stayed in line and then lol, there was the drop of THE SCORPION RULES (I'm probably getting the times mixed up) and drop after drop after drop (I basically just plopped onto the floor at several points). Earlier in the day, we found NIGHTFALL at the Penguin Booth (their BEA Editors Buzz Book selection, I believe, in addition to EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING). Also THESE SHALLOW GRAVES and ANOTHER DAY. At some point, too, I went to the HMH booth to ask about VENGEANCE ROAD; same for Chronicle and A HISTORY OF GLITTER AND BLOOD.

The first day... was a lot of running around, and I'm hoping to change that tomorrow, because I felt like I didn't get a chance to... enjoy?

The thing I probably hate and love most about BEA is the book fervor. Like, a.) love book nerdiness but b.) it's so easy to get caught up in everything and I felt like I lost sight of just those nice moments of talking more to the other people and falling less into what-next-who-where-why (relaxed Christina would have actually gone up to the various Famous Bloggers and Booktubers that she saw instead of wondering whether she was going to be bothersome... and also rather than running to the next area for another book). As I say in the video, my favorite part was actually one of the quiet moments talking with a librarian. The waiting in line and just getting to chat with other people and see what they're excited about.

Also meeting up with other people, like Summer from Blue Sky Shelf and getting to hang out with C.J.. And, also just asking publicists what they're most excited about. A publicist we met at Candlewick was SO friendly. The best. I wanted to be excited about all the books that she was excited about. All the publicists I met today were SO freaking nice. I probably should have mentioned that as one of my favorite moments too but ah.

And because this post wasn't full of bookish goodness, I also got two books from the Strand: The Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer & Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper (high fantasy, peeps. It's my game. And now if I ever complain about not having books to read, please smack me upside the head).

Okay, because I live in NJ, it takes about an hour to go to and from Javits. (And not to mention the time it took editing the video, and the rain that delayed trains...) So, like, hopefully I'll have a longer recap tomorrow than I did today, but I'm now too exhausted and need to sleep some.

Thanks for reading!

if you're really looking forward to any of these titles, and we're friends, you can definitely borrow these books. let me know!


Books that are not being offered at BEA that I asked about / was excited for:
Books that I'm watching out for:
But of course that could change :).
What books are you most anticipating? What would you like to hear about from BEA? How was your BEA experience? If you're at BEA and you want to meet up, let me know! If you're not, I wish you were here! And let me know what I can do to help make you feel like you were :).
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