This is again a bookhaul with three books, but I am going to (try atleast) stop buying books for a while, so I just wanted to show you these before I'm going on a ban. These are my latest book purchases:

Every since Karina E on Booktube talked about The Sandman I wanted to read it. My plan was to read it in senior year of high school for my German class, but I never did it (because I choose other books). Now that it's out in English and in this edition I decided to finally pick it up. The Queen of Spades sounded also interesting and because I saw these little black classics in a super cool bookstore (so I could look through all of them) and because they were the same price as online, I decided to pick up that one too.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is a book that has been on my wishlist ever since I read Jane Eyre (because I want to read all of all the Brontë's works) and a few booktubers have been reading it this year as well (which made me want to read it even more). Most of the time this book was a bit more expensive than the regular english libraries, but now it was a lot cheaper so I couldn't resist.
I cannot wait to read all three of them! This will be the last bookhaul for quite a while though, because I feel overwhelmed with all the unread books I own (I own around 50 excluding all the penguin little black classics), because I want to read all of them so badly and the pile just keeps getting bigger and bigger...
What books have you recently bought?