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text 2014-02-06 17:15
In memory of Carol Wills - R.I.P.




While I had never any direct run-ins with Carol personally, I had many indirect ones. After all we were playing the opposite teams. As a supporter of everything that went against my own believes, Carol and myself were not meant to be seeing eye to eye to eachother. Still I could respect her for not making things personal.


With those in mind I am re-posting the message her daughter Tara left on her Facebook page to inform her friends of Carol´s passing away last Sunday.



Rest in peace, Carol. My heart goes out to Carol´s family and friends.

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text 2013-09-27 13:10
Asshat Author Hides Behind Charity Book
Titus and the Magic Feather (Titus Adventures) - Carol Wills

Gwen Steel checks all the butthurt buttons. She is a friend of Rick Carufel, supports STGRB, whines about reviews, and attacks readers. When anyone gets upset with her behavior, she pulls the "you're hurting charity" bullshit. In fact, she's hurting the charity by being such a poor representative.


Disclaimer: I admit I dislike authors using charity to pimp their books. I support several charities too, but I don't use them to guilt people into buying my books or kiss my ass.




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