It is impossible to excel in exams with only reading the main books available. Who doesn’t want learning to be fun as well as educative and what can be better than investing your time and focus towards studying? Science is one of the most important subjects in class 7 which includes topics like Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to the climate which are quite intriguing and exciting topics to learn. These topics are definitely quite interesting but sometimes the students might find it difficult to comprehend the topics with the mere study of textbooks. Extramarks provides a comprehensive set of study material for CBSE Class 7 Science. Some students might feel the pressure of studying so much at one time and studying with videos makes the concepts a bit more clear and understandable. Students can always rely on Extramarks for NCERT Science Class 7 study material as it is very convenient to navigate and helps in understanding the practicality of the subject. Extramarks is a website as well as an app that works as a reliable external source. It has complete NCERT Solutions for Class 7 science, additional practice sheets as well. Thorough reading and practice can help any student to excel in this subject. The proper explanation is provided so that students do not find it difficult to understand and grasp. This website can help students who desire to study in an interactive way with understandable and interesting study material. The interactive tools used at Extramarks helps to understand confusing heavy topics in an easy way. It also makes the whole process super-fun. Practising the sheets for NCERT Science Class 7 provides extra support to students and also helps them gain confidence in topics they are unsure about. A thorough understanding of the concept is required for a student to comprehend his/her skills. Practising these papers can help students score much better in the exam. Surf through Extramarks and Check out its features for a better learning experience.