Taking a break from the corporate grid and the responsibilities of everyday life are one of the best things in the world. However, not all vacations are perfect, people make mistakes. It takes skill and research to really get away from it all and enjoy every bit of the moment in that vacation that you deserve.
Below are Budget Travel's Top 5 Mistakes during Vacations which can be easily avoided.
Mistake 1: Booking a hotel too far from the action
Travel expert John E. DiScala of JohnnyJet.com says, "I think this is the biggest mistake [that travelers make when planning short getaways]. It generally takes time to get to and from a city when you stay farther out, and you're going to have to pay more for transport, too."
If you're going to any place, it's definitely worth paying extra to stay at an accommodation near the place's attractions. Staying at hotels far from the action may save you a lot of money and may be applicable to long vacations, but on short trips it's not such a good idea.
Mistake 2: Checking a bag
Booking a bag can be the bane of your trip when you find out that your luggage is heading for another city once you get to your destination. It could literally take days before you get back your luggage. With all the articles out there on how to travel light, there’s no reason why you should bring your whole room during short vacations.
If you have any sports equipment that needs to be checked like a surfboard or skis, consider shipping it ahead of time or even better, just rent at the place where you're going.
Still, the essence here is travel light. Take only what you can carry so you don't have to worry about lost luggage.
Mistake 3: Trying to make the most of every second
You don't have to visit every picturesque site in the place where you're headed. It's quality travel if you just make the most of one place. Know and set your goals. DiScala says, "Some people want to see it all, and others will go to Paris for a weekend and just want to hang at one café and soak in the culture."
Also, be realistic about your options and means. In the end, what you enjoy will be your personal preference anyway. Don't take more than you can handle. The worst feeling in the world wants to take another vacation from the vacation that you've been to.
Mistake 4: Booking a flight with multiple connections
Most cheap airfare requires trips that involve switching planes at an airline's hub. Yes, with this you can save a lot, but unless you're ready to cut off more time from your already short vacation, this isn't a really good idea to make the most out of your vacation.
"It's worth it to pay extra to get the nonstop option, especially when you have a short amount of time in a place. If there's a cancellation or weather delays in a hub city, there goes your vacation.” says DiScala
Mistake 5: Winging it
If you have a short period of time for spending your vacation, it's not best to wing it and go to your destination unplanned. Indecision of where to eat and where to head to next can be real pains once you're hungry and you want to see something good in your vacation.
Research dining options ahead of time, or you can call your hotel's concierge for recommendations.