"...All I know is that Ellora's Cave avoided opening their books and short-circuited anyone else filing sworn statements in Dear Author's defense about the case..."
"...All I know is that Ellora's Cave avoided opening their books and short-circuited anyone else filing sworn statements in Dear Author's defense about the case..."
We have listed the site, or other sources to donate for Dear Author/Jane's legal defense fund for the lawsuit which Ellora's Cave is embarking on. This lawsuit is a dangerous precedent in the world of blogging and romancelandia and it has given a chilling effect in this community because the repercussions in unimaginable. But I really love and proud to be a part of a community that is not taking this lying down and to date of linking this post, the fund has raised over 30 thousand dollars, which is over half of the target amount.
There is a really interesting discussion going on at Dear Author today regarding ARCs and the contract or lack there of to read a book upon request. I thought I would share since it seems relevant to all of our interests.
I don't think I've ever bought a single Ellora's Cave title and, in fact, tend to avoid their stuff, but I regularly buy e-books from Samhain. They're one of the few publishers from whom I buy direct, because I like that they have a 30% discount on all their new releases. Here's hoping they get their act together, before good authors decide they're better off submitting their works elsewhere.
This is the best one I've seen all day - I'm choking trying to keep from laughing my butt off at work!!!