Review of Death of a Black Rose by Tish Thawer
When Tish Thawer messaged me to ask if I would beta read her final book in the series, I jumped at the opportunity. When I read Scent of a White Rose, I was a blogger and was thrilled with the first book in the Rose Trilogy. Now, three books and a novella later, I’m an even happier camper. I cannot help but feel a tinge of sadness now that we’ve reached the end of this series though, it’s bitter sweet for sure. I’ve grown attached to Rose & Christian and now they are all “grown up”/ “evolved”, if you will, into the people they were always meant to be. Rose has really been through a lot and thankfully Christian loves her enough to navigate them through it all. He risked everything to keep the one person he can never live without…Rose.
Tish Thawer did an amazing job of pulling this story together and giving us the reader the ending that not only we deserved, but that all of the characters deserved as well. I’m not and never will be about spoilers. I love the notion that a story unfolds for each person differently and I have no intention of spoon feeding anyone my perspective. You’ll just have to buy the book or the series if you have not yet discovered Ms. Thawer and find out just how remarkable her characters and stories are for yourself.
Bravo on another job well done! Can’t wait to read what you are writing next and oh, I’ll always clear my schedule if you need someone to read your books. *wink*