Unbelievably, I read 13 books in April. That averages out to 110 pages a day. I haven't read that much in one month in years. I specifically chose books under 300 pages that didn't require much brain power/focus and that didn't have heavy content. I truly believe that helped me. I also started a book notebook. It aided to my enjoyment of the read and my memory. I used colored markers, sticky notes and highlighters and kept it fresh and fun. Every morning I looked forward to spreading all my items out on the table and making a cup of joe or tea before starting my next read. I only read one book per day. Even if I had the time to read more, I didn't. I did not want to over extend or tire my brain.
My only 5 star standout read for the month was Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo. I loved this book so much I sent a copy to my bestie. I highly recommend this book to everyone. To be only 176 pages it is packed with so much valuable information.
I read 8 four star books. These books had to wow me or have something extra. Books that I rate 4 stars can't be books that I felt I've read before, meaning recycled plots and characters.
4 Stars
The Red Hot Earl by Darcey Burke
Luster: A novel by Raven Leilani
The Girl with The Loading Voice by Abi Daré
One House Over (The Neighbors #1) by Mary Monroe
A Family Affair by Reshonda Tate Billingsley
It's Not All Downhill From Here by Terry McMillan
Secret Heir Seduction (Texas Cattlemen's Club: Inheritance #4) by Reese Ryan
Ethic by Ashley Antoinette
I read three 3 star books. I rate books 3 stars that weren't bad, but weren't great either. They were all good reads. When reading romance books, I need great romance with a solid plot. I can tell if a 200 page romance was just thrown together. I feel many are recycled content with different character names.
3 Stars
Seduced by A Steele (Forged of Steele #12) by Brenda Jackson
Duty or Desire (The Westmoreland Legacy #5) by Brenda Jackson
His to Claim (The Westmoreland Legacy #4) by Brenda Jackson
My only 2 star read was Red Carpet Redemption (The Stewart Heirs #3) by Yarah St. John. This book didn't capture my attention at all. I wasn't invested in any of the characters. Most Harlequin readers devour these books at record speeds and have read many. To stand out there needs to be great characters, plot and romance in a concise manner with the books being a little over 200 pages. Many of these authors crank out 3 books or more per year and if they're done quickly it shows. There's no room for fluff in a 200 page book.
How was your reading in April? I know these are difficult/stressful times. It's great to know we have somewhere to come to to share what we love to do.