Original Title: Evas öga
This is a slightly different detective in the sense that we don't follow the POV of the inspector, though he's part of the book, but that of the woman who finds a body floating in the water when walking with her young daughter. Unlike many other novels, she doesn't actively help investigating the crime, but rather, tries to continue her normal life.
During the story, it becomes more and more clear that she's more than just a passer by who's unlucky enough to find a body...
Some things were a bit strange in this novel. What really struck me as odd, and I still recalled it even after almost five years (!); is that the main character and her daughter went straight to the McDonalds after discovering a body. Time for a HappyMeal!
The rest of the story isn't very special, but at the end there is a major twist I didn't see coming at all. And that is what makes me remember this book still after all this time.
Note: I read a Dutch translation of this book