4/5 - Second (and last) book of The X-Files: Middle Grade series that I own (although not for long, as they're both going in the library donate pile). The writing is slightly more mature, fortunately, for the more sophisticated reader. The plot is possibly even more disturbing and less appropriate for 'middle grade' readers than X Marks the Spot; with the eating of livers, bile infused nests, and a man who can get into your house no matter how much security you have (definitely creepy enough to induce nightmares in the hardiest of adult readers). This has long been one of my favourite episodes as it was quite scary, the idea that no matter what you do to make yourself safe he can still get in, and I think that translates quite clearly to the page. To be continued...
5/5 - The ending had my heart pounding as I read of the battle between Scully and Toombs, but I did get a bit irritated by the constant refrain of "if Toombs got his hands on her/him she/he wouldn't stand a chance", which was obviously an exaggeration as Toombs had a hold on Scully a couple of times and both times she got free without anything more serious than scrapes and bruises. Although Squeeze earned a 1/2 to 1 star more than X Marks the Spot it's still being donated to the library this morning - now that I've reviewed it I wouldn't read it again.