[The penultimate book in the ARC pile! - I have *got* to learn restraint. Or work out how to get paid for this. Anyway: this one comes from Headline with many thanks to them and to Bookbridgr for providing aqua coloured request buttons. It was provided for no monies but that in no way influences my opinion. If they'd sent some Anthon Berg Cherry in Rum Chocolate Covered Marzipans with it, *then* I would totally have been up for some influencing. Just sayin'.]
I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it far more difficult to write a review of something I liked than something I hated. More difficult even than that is the review of something which does its job in a perfectly adequate and enjoyable way. All Teachers Bright and Beautiful is one of these.
As you may be able to guess from the title (which is, as you who are so very good looking and clever are aware, a punning gesture to the titles of the James Herriot books), this book charts the comedic misadventures of a Yorkshire-based primary school teacher. It's very nice. It elicited smiles throughout. I've put it on top of my Mammy's TBR pile and have every confidence she's going to love it.
Each chapter is nominally connected with a child in the class and a variety of ground is covered - the gobby one, the laid back one, the "good" one, the one with the parent who keeps complaining - but never in a predictable or derivative way and with plenty of original material drawn straight from the job. Notable mentions go to the Easter play, the football tournament, and the sex education videos. You can't see me (I hope) but my face is contorting into what in other people would be called a smile at the thought.
Because I'm me, I have to have a (sort-of) complaint, and I do. Although this is presented as non-fiction/memoir, the hand of fictive structure lies heavily across it. It is to the books advantage, most definitely, but it's worth mentioning this neither reads as (nor, to my mind, attempts to be) a real and true account. I've got my psychic facilities turned off today, so you'll have to work out if this matters to you, anonymous reader. It only bothers me as a philosophical issue.
All Teachers Bright And Beautiful is a great choice for a Sunday afternoon, a holiday, or any occasion which demands something enjoyable and relaxing: 3.5 stars. I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for the rest of Andy Seed's books.