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review 2020-03-06 18:34
"The Yellow Dog - Maigret #6" by Georges Simenon
The Yellow Dog - Georges Simenon,Linda Asher,Gareth Armstrong

Maigret sits in judgement on the bourgeoisie of a small Breton town


I'm new to Maigret. "The Yellow Dog", the sixth Maigret, is my first Maigret novel, so apart from what I read in "A Maigret Christmas And Other Stories" I came to this novel with no particular knowledge or expectations of Maigret as a person. Now that I've read the book, I still know very little about him but I know that I want to read more.


"The Yellow Dog" was recommended to me by Tigus as one of Georges Simenon's best novels, so I skipped the first five books and started with Maigret, not in Paris but in a small Breton seaside town where he is investigating a shooting.


Yet the novel isn't really about Maigret's investigation. He's not the kind of man who follows a rigorous process of generating hypotheses and checking them against the available evidence. He doesn't share brilliant insights with the detective who is working under him. From time to time he will, if pressed, summarise the available facts in a way that makes it clear that, while there may be a basis for saying that it is very unlikely that certain individuals committed specific acts, there is no basis for saying who did commit them.


Of course, the fact that he states this does not mean that he believes it. Maigret is a man who judges people. He looks at them clearly and takes a view on who they are. He is not dispassionate in this. He is not objective. He judges based on his values and his impressions of people and then he waits to see if he can substantiate his judgements and hold those he sees as guilty to account.


What this novel is really about is Maigret's profound distaste for the bourgeoise men who dominate this small, relatively poor, Breton town.


Yes, someone gets shot, then there is an attempt at poisoning, and a disappearance and the appearance of a giant of a man with tendency to violence and then another shooting but, in all of this, Maigret's focus remains on three things: the group of wealthier-than-every-one-around-them men who see themselves as distinguished citizens and prove this to each other by eating and drinking each night at the only decent hotel in town, the face of the waitress who serves them and the recurring presence of an unknown yellow dog.


For me, Maigret's focus became more of a puzzle than figuring out who committed the various acts of violence. I couldn't understand what he was doing or what he was thinking. I slowly came to understand that Maigret is the camera lens through which Simenon presents the society in which the crimes are being committed. Like any good cameraman, Simenon shapes what we see before we are even aware of the conclusions we are being led to.


From the first chapter of the book, when Maigret enters the hotel and the distinguished gentlemen introduce themselves. I felt my lip curl at their smug entitlement and was taken aback by the casual misogyny at the heart of the story. The awful way the waitress is treated, including by Maigret, ought to have been a big deal but is was presented as if it was perfectly normal. At the time, I thought I was being distracted from the mystery by my annoyance at how obnoxious the men in the story were, Now I know that I was actually having my attention drawn to exactly what Georges Simenon wanted me to see.


I'm not going to go into the ins and outs of the story other than to say that it kept my attention, kept me guessing and gave me a clear picture of how working people could come to despise the idle but wealthy men who squat on the life of the town.


I did learn some things about Maigret. He resists authority other than his own. He is not a misogynist. He sees people clearly. He bides his time. He also acts on his own view of what is just. In this novel, Maigret sees himself as an instrument of justice rather than as an enforcer of the law. I rather liked him for that.


"The Yellow Dog" was published in 1931 but the writing feels very contemporary. This means that it provides a very accessible view of a France that is long gone. I know Brittany a little and it had never occurred to me that, in the 1930s, a relatively prosperous port might have unpaved streets that turned to mud in winter or that the women still wore the traditional Breton headdress. Its also gives a view of France that is still there, where Paris dominates, cronyism rules and the distribution of wealth ensures privilege for a few.


So, having had my first taste of George Simenon, I'll be coming back for more both of his Maigret mysteries and his other novels.

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text 2020-02-27 23:39
Reading progress update: I've read 13%.
The Yellow Dog - Georges Simenon,Linda Asher,Gareth Armstrong

I've barely started this but I'm a bit taken aback by the casual misogyny at the heart of the story. The way the waitress is treated, including by Maigret, ought to be a big deal but is treated as if it was perfectly normal. I know I should be focused on the mystery but at the moment I'm distracted by how obnoxious the men in the story are.

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text 2020-02-23 03:24
Maigret in Vichy - Georges Simenon

Inspector Maigret and his wife are on holiday in Vichy, a resort town in south central France renowned for its spas and medicinal waters. Maigret had been feeling out of sorts and had consulted his physician before leaving Paris, who recommended Maigret to a colleague of his, Dr. Rian, whose practice was in Vichy. Maigret later met with Rian, who recommended a regimen consisting of daily walks (which he and Madame Maigret did together daily), a healthy diet, and drinking of Vichy's pure water. So, no beer, sausage, and a cut down on smoking from his beloved pipe for Maigret.

Maigret's holiday is anything but humdrum, when he becomes indirectly involved in a case by the local police authorities (whose chief, Lecoeur, had once served under him in Paris) in which a woman was found strangled to death in a residence she owned. It so happened that Maigret had seen this woman (sometimes referred to in the book as "the lady in lilac":, reflective of the outfit she was wearing when Maigret espied her in public) once days earlier whilst walking with his wife. "For Maigret, the lady in lilac was not simply the victim of a murder, nor a person who had led a particular type of existence. He was beginning to know her and he was trying, almost unwittingly, to learn more about her."

All in all, this was a breezy and thought-provoking story. I enjoyed the experience.

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review 2020-02-22 01:00
A Crime in Holland - Georges Simenon,Siân Reynolds

This was a really good read. Maigret finds himself dealing with Dutch people (the horror!) with the mystery of a dead husband.

The characters are well drawn. Miagret is a pleasure to read and this book looks closely at the pressures of a small community.

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review 2019-12-22 01:26
"A Maigret Christmas and Other Stories" by Georges Simenon, translated by David Coward - Highly Recommended, especially as a Christmas read.
A Maigret Christmas And Other Stories - Georges Simenon,David Coward

Door 7:  International Day for Tolerance


Book: Read a book set in Paris (seat of UNESCO).








This was my first ever Maigret book. I bought it because I loved the cover - which is an odd reason given that I read the Kindle version where no one but me sees the cover.


I opened it hoping for Christmas-themed crime with a French flavour, meaning something that managed to be nostalgic but avoided saccharine sentimentality. Georges Simenon exceeded my expectations on all counts.


The book contains three short stories: "A Maigret Christmas", "Seven Small Crosses In A Notebook" and "A Little Restaurant Near Place Des Ternes". I'd expected to find a strong Maigret story to anchor the book and then two "And Other Stories" to pad things out. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the stories got better as the went along, with the final story being my favourite.



"A Maigret Christmas"


"A Maigret Christmas" was my first meeting with Maigret. I found him to be a gentle, slightly melancholy man who knows himself well enough to understand that he will not change and holds himself to account enough to know that this is something he must sometimes make amends for.


The story takes place on Christmas Day which Maigret intends to spend quietly at home with his wife. It becomes clear that, for Maigret and his wife, spending such a day will require kindness and resolve from both of them.


I was impressed with and puzzled by how clearly and economically Simenon draws the relationship between Maigret and his wife. We don't get inside Maigret's head or anyone else's. I don't even know his wife's first name, although she's present throughout the story. And yet there is a strong sense of intimacy, of the kind where you can recognise someone from the shape of the back of their head or by hearing them cough.


Simenon creates this intimate picture through small details that come together when seen from a distance, like a pointillist painting. For example, even though Maigret knows his wife has slipped quietly from their apartment in the early hours in order to fetch coffee and croissant to serve to him in bed, and that this token of her affection is important to her, he cannot bring himself to stay in bed until his wife's return.


Simenon shows that between Maigret and his wife there is love and loyalty but there is also regret, perhaps even grief, strong enough that it cannot be spoken of without pain, for the absence of a child in their lives. Their marriage echoes with the lack of a child.


Maigret's wife is quietly and determinedly but modestly hopeful. I was left with the impression that Maigret draws heavily on her strength and feels himself unable adequately to offer his strength in return.


Simenon describes Paris of the 1950s vividly and with deep affection. It's a Paris that is very different from the one I know but one who's bones can still be seen beneath the skin of Paris as it is now. Here's how he describes the arrival of fog on Christmas Day:


"Thick yellowish fog had suddenly blanketed Paris, which is quite rare. The lights were on in all the buildings; from one end of the boulevard to the other, all of the windows looked like distant ships’ lanterns; the details of everyday reality were blurred to the point where, had they been at the sea’s edge, passers-by would have expected to hear the boom of a foghorn. "


Of course, crime was bound to intrude on Maigret's Christmas. Early on Christmas morning, Maigret, at the request of his neighbours, is drawn into an investigation of the appearance, on Christmas Eve, of Santa Claus in a little girl's bedroom in an apartment across the street from Maigret's own.


Working largely from his home, Maigret relentlessly uncovers the sinister background to this event, catches the evil-doers and arranges, at his wife's barely voiced but deeply felt plea, to take care of the little girl, at least for a while.


It's a masterful piece of storytelling and made me keen to try one of the Maigret novels. I'm going to start with "The Yellow Dog"



"Seven Small Crosses In A Notebook"


This is a police story but doesn't have Maigret in it. It seems to me that Simenon set himself a difficult challenge in this story: how do you deliver and solve a tense mystery during two continuous shifts of the Paris police control room, starting on the Christmas Eve night shift and going through the next morning, without ever leaving the four walls of the control room?


He does it by bringing to life Lecoeur, a police officer in the control room who is given the chance of a lifetime to apply his detailed knowledge of Paris police districts, his meticulous record-keeping and information gathered by living for decades in the same neighbourhood, to identify and solve a crime.


The plot is ingenious and original. The pacing is perfect. The now-long-gone environment of control room filled with a map and telephone sockets and people with headphones is made vivid and exciting.


What I liked most was the way the unravelling of each twist in the plot puzzle served to give a deeper insight into Lecoeur's mind and into his family history. I felt I knew Lecoeur (the heart of policing?) by the end of the story. He is a man who has turned the police control room into a refuge where the little crosses he places in his notebook to track the calls he takes give him the ability to impose order on the chaos of the Paris night. Here his discipline and focus give him control and value that is denied him in other areas of his life.



"A Little Restaurant Near Place Des Ternes"


This is my favourite of the three stories. It's subtitled "A Christmas Story For Grown-Ups". This isn't a "Miracle On 34th Street" kind of Christmas fable. This is grounded in the reality of Christmas in the big city as experienced by the marginalised or excluded. If Edward Hopper had set "Nighthawks" in Paris on Christmas Eve, he might have painted "A LIttle Restaurant Near Place Des Ternes".


This is the story of Long-Tall-Jeanne's Christmas Eve, which starts with a very public suicide and ends in the police lock-up. Jeanne is a prostitute who has taken Christmas Eve off, intending to take a quiet supper in a local café and then go back to her room alone. The night doesn't go that way and Jeanne finds herself playing reluctant guardian angel to another girl.


This is a very unsentimental story and yet, in its way, it has more Christmas spirit in it than any Hallmark movie.


Now that I know how good Simenon's non-Maigret stories are, I'm planning to read "The Snow Was Dirty", a novel set in Nazi-occupied France.



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