Wow. Talk about a diaper load. This book is SO absolutely full of C***.
This is a grandiose misinformation and propaganda fest.
I had to suck it up to read the whole thing. I did not throw it accross the room only because I did not own the book. UGH.
There were so many BLATANT falsehoods I could not believe it. The more I learn about some of the contributors though, I am not terribly surprised.
I went and got a copy from my local library after seeing Greta's name come up a lot on FB recently. Then I saw a book I was not sure about and went to the author's goodreads page only to see that she wanted to read this book. I see Gretas name and I think... hey, I need to know more about her....
I was also disgusted by the author's nasty attacks on any negative reviewer, threats, and just general malevolence.
Oh, and that library? They got a BIG earful about the book.