So back in my post on the Glorious Georges, etc. I mention Lucy Worsley and her book on Courtiers. And I somehow didn't mention her many documentaries. (Though I will have several video links when I review that book!) (I also noted that there were other Worsley fans in the comments, so I felt it was time to post some links!)
Here're some other blog posts I've made that mention her, and have links to some of the videos. (Er, not that I've checked recently to see if the links still work.)
Lucy Worsley's Developing the Regency Brand (14 Nov 2013)
A Very British Murder: Yes I'm Addicted to Documentaries! (15 Nov 2013)
(Around this post I finally figured out that if Worsley has a book out, search for the title on youtube and odds are you'll find a video.)
I Know I Said I Would Stop But - Hoopskirt Question Answered! (16 Nov 2013)
Interestingly the HoopSkirt Question in that last entry was something I blogged about again here:
Reading in Progress: Ladies of the Grand Tour, A Quote, and Chamber Pots When Least Expected (15 Apr 2014)
Apparently I'm continually fascinated by chamber pots in history. But so is Lucy Worsley! [insert gleeful fan-ish moment]
Also do be sure to keep an eye on Worsley's blog. She recently had a particularly fun post - History's Most Blingtastic Weddings - where she compares the Kim Kardashian and Kanye West wedding with those of lavish royal weddings in history. And don't miss the one about Buckingham Palace Garden Parties.