just came over from GR, hope to be able to post on both this site and theirs, hope Booklikes can fix the synchronization thingy - that'll make it much easier! And I hope that GR allows it! Wonder if that's why it *was* available here before but now isn't??I I've got over 10,000 books on GR and, really, re-posting the 600+ reviews I have stored there and the almost 2,000 ratings, would prove to be beyond my capabilities! and all the lists of books (siggh) aka "shelves" (tags) I have there...
But, geez, I *love* to "see my words in print/online"! Obviously.
ah, well. Ought to take me, oh, a month or so before I can navigate here, as I'm pretty nearly technologically illiterate despite having been using computers since the 1960s; never got the hang of HTML and can't make head nor tail of the formatting things, alas. So blog will have to remain "vanilla basic", alas. Hope some folks will "find me" eventually, well, when/if I ever have anything interesting to say... (grin)
much too late to try and review the book I just finished: STILL LIFE, Louise Penny, #1 Armand Gamache, Three Pines, Quebec, but, boy, it was great!
that'll do, for now.