There is always two parts to every story, and in this book we get to listen to the Big Bad Wolfs side of the original story, Three Little Pigs. The Wolf swears he never huffed and puffed down the pigs houses, but instead he was just having a sick day and couldn't help sneezing. It wasn't his fault the pigs made their house out of unreliable materials! All the poor Wolf wanted was a cup of sugar, and now he is being framed with murder! Of course he ate the pigs after their houses fell, he couldn't let a good "ham dinner" go to waste, could he?
How I would use this book in my future classroom:
I would use this book in my future classroom during a lesson on comparing and contrasting. I think that comparing/contrasting this book to the original three little pigs story would be a fun way to get the assignment done!
Lexile: AD510L