So, when I sat down to do my top 5 contemporary reads I discovered two things:
1. I didn't read as many contemporary romances as I thought.
2. Of the books I did read (including New Adult contemporary) there was really only one book that I loved.
Thus, instead of a top 5, you get my very favorite contemporary read this year. And, unbelievably, it was a freebie! I'm a Sarah Mayberry fan and have enjoyed other books by her, but this book is my favorite so far. I love that the characters are normal people that react the way you would expect them to. There isn't any of the crazy dramatics you find sometimes in contemporary romance and it's a better book because of that. What you get here is a romance that builds beautifully. You never wonder why these two are perfect for each other, it's obvious with every interaction they share. So, for that reason, I'm pleased to get to feature it on it's own.
What about you? Any good recommendations for contemporary romances? I would love to find some winners to read in 2014.