I've been on a book rut for the last few weeks--in the last month I've finished two books. Two. That's a new low for me. I haven't read this little since before I was in high school, which seems longer and longer ago with each passing day. I'm currently reading Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Keyplas, but the book I really want to read right now is Thankless in Death by J.D. Robb.
It is the one book I've been looking forward to for months, but unfortunately I'm 43rd on the library's waiting list. Hopefully, in another few weeks (in time for actual Thanksgiving), I'll be able to get my hands on it.
I also want to read The Chocolate Touch by Laura Florand. I wasn't crazy about The Chocolate Kiss, but I've heard this one is much better than that one. As a matter of fact, the people involved in the Smart Bitch's chat really seemed to like it.
Last, is the Smart Bitch pick for the October book club, The Rosie Project. After reading the synopsis on Amazon, I can't help thinking that the hero is going to be a lot like the guys on The Big Bang Theory, and as I love me some nerdy heros, so this should be good.