When I heard Yen Press would be releasing the anthologies of Blood Lad I knew I just had to get them! :)
So here I am, and I can honestly say I loved it. It was silly, more over the top than Blood Lad (and that is something I thought couldn't be topped). There are several 4-komas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yonkoma) and several normal comics about various characters.
We have stories about Bell who wants to diet because she gained too much fat and the hilarious things that happens after all that. But also stories about Liz, Braz and all the other characters. We even find out about how the mystery meat in the Third-Eye Cafe and what kind of traumas that induces.
So is this volume worth its money? Yes, yes, and more yes. I really loved to see the characters again, and seeing them in hilarious situations was a great plus. However, there was one thing I didn't like. The art-style seemed to have dropped in some places. I had a few panels were it looked like a child had drawn the art, not a famous mangaka. But that is a minor thing, and luckily the rest makes up for that.
If you read the Blood Lad series and want something new, while waiting for new volumes to appear, I would really recommend this one. :) There will be another one coming soon.
Review first posted on: http://twirlingbookprincess.com