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review 2022-06-27 19:19
Einfach nur schön!
Im letzten Licht des Herbstes - Mary Lawson

Mary Lawson hat mit „Im letzten Licht des Herbstes“ einen herzerwärmenden und facettenreichen Roman verfasst, der aus den jeweiligen Perspektiven und Lebensgeschichten der drei Hauptprotagonisten Clara, Mrs Orchard und Liam eine ganz eigene Dynamik und Verbundenheit webt. Mehr als den kleinen Radius einer wiederum kleinen Provinzstadt im Norden Kanadas braucht es hier im Grunde nicht..

Ich persönlich fand die Handlungsstränge rund um Clara, Mrs Orchard und Liam von Beginn an fesselnd, die Entwicklungen spannend und mir sind die Charaktere gleich unter die Haut gegangen. Mary Lawson erzählt in einer wunderbaren Art von ihren Figuren und schafft so eine sehr berührende Atmosphäre und tiefe Nähe zu den eigentlich fiktiven Charakteren. Blickwinkel aus drei unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen werden hier zusammengefügt und zeugen wie ich finde von großer Empathie und einem feinen Gespür für die Tiefe der Protagonisten. Ich kann dieses Buch jedem, der einfach gerne schmökert, nur absolut empfehlen! Ich fand das Buch klasse..

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review 2022-03-18 04:24
The Princess ABC Picture Book - Mary Lee

26 different princesses for each letter of the alphabet.  I liked that they were diverse.  I appreciated that none of them looked alike.  I also liked that their names were not the usual names.  Each had an interesting name.  Perfect for your 1-4 year old.

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review 2020-12-20 18:59
Swing by Kwame Alexander
Swing - Kwame Alexander,Mary Rand Hess
Again the narrator is the author. If you read my review for Solo, you will know my feelings on this already. I have to say though, I felt like there was better separation and pauses in his narration, so it didn't meld together as much as the first book I listened to. So that was good, at least for me.
In this story we follow Noah, (Swing), around. We follow him all over the place too. Seriously, this story was everywhere and nowhere at once. Just when I would get pulled into whatever was happening around Noah, it would then flip to something else. I was mildly frustrated.
I really hoped for music in this one like Solo had. This story wasn't about a musician though so it would be weird to have a song in the middle of the story. Instead, the author added music at the end of the parts. It was a pleasant surprise and had me bouncing, chair-dancing along. It also fit with the story, but I won't tell you how.
I appreciated the part sparking on why #BlackLivesMatter 
We need to understand what happens, and reading about it is a perfect to get through to someone like me. I hear you, and I stand with you.
I look forward to more from the author. I think I will steer away from audio though and go back to the printed word.
Source: www.fredasvoice.com/2020/12/swing-by-kwame-alexander-64.html
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review 2020-12-19 19:13
Solo by Kwame Alexander
Solo - Mary Rand Hess,Kwame Alexander
I listened to the audiobook version. I liked the story but didn't care for the author being the narrator. I felt like his voice was pleasant, but often I felt like his voice all blended together while he was narrating. So he would say a chapter title and go right into the story, but I wouldn't have known it was the title without looking. I was like, 'why is he saying a random word', then I realized he was saying the title. It just all mashed together.
That's the thing with audiobooks, and also why I don't listen to them more. Narrating is such an important part. Between keeping the reader, or listener, engaged, to having tones that split the story and keep the confusion to a minimum, it is a hard thing to do. 
Let's focus on the story now. 
A coming of age story of sorts. This guy, Blade, is a musician and he finds out he is adopted. It is a balancing act of what he knows and what he doesn't. The author does a great job of keeping you glued to the story. You want to know what happens.
My favorite part is the songs that are sung. So this is where I appreciate the audiobook more than print. If I read the print book, I wouldn't have heard the great songs that were in the story. I was surprised, since I've never come across such an interactive audiobook. It was delightful and added to the story immensely.
I have the next book, Swing, on audiobook as well. I so look forward to listening to it. I just hope it has songs on it too!
Source: www.fredasvoice.com/2020/12/solo-by-kwame-alexander-63.html
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review 2020-12-10 10:04
Audio Review: My Darling Arrow (St. Mary’s Rebels #1) by Saffron A Kent, Narrated by Jason Clarke & Sarah Puckett
My Darling Arrow (St. Mary’s Rebels #1) - Jason Clarke,Saffron A. Kent,Sarah Puckett



My Darling Arrow by Saffron A. Kent

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Audio Review: My Darling Arrow (St. Mary’s Rebels #1) by Saffron A Kent, Narrated by Jason Clarke & Sarah Puckett

My Darling Arrow moves beyond the cheesiness of a fairytale and dives into love in all it's painful glory. Kent shows off the darker side of life. From unpredictable to hard to resist, it's a long road. Salem and Arrow will make a mess of emotions with all the drama. Clarke and Puckett intensify the burn with their razor sharp delivery of these two broken people. From hello to goodbye, Kent bleeds the heart dry and leaves a lasting mark on the soul. Not easy to love, but hard to forget.

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