Basic Info
Format: Audio
Pages/Length: n/a
Genre: Young Adult; Fantasy
At A Glance
Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?: Obsession
Cliff Hanger: Yes.
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 1.5 stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 8
Plot: 3
Characters: 4
World Building: 4
Flow: 4
Series Congruity: 5
Writing: 4
Ending: 4
Total: 2
In Dept
Best Part: It ended.
Worst Part: I can't even.
Thoughts Had: Please stop writing. I will pay you to STOP!
Continuing the Series: ...
Recommending: no
Short Review: SPOILER ALERT!!! Thank the damn heavens Fang is dead. Maybe Max will go back to wanting to save the world, doubtful, but maybe. Think it's time to let Angel go. She has turned straight up evil and I'm sure is a robot. I don't see how anyone likes this book. Max is 15 ish but acts and talks like she's 8 now. The main plot is completely forgotten. I just don't care about a single thing about this series.
Book Boyfriend: Dead Fang ;) haha. sorry had to.
Best Friend Material: No.