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review 2015-12-22 17:37
Sehr Lustig
Barry Trotter und die schamlose Parodie - Michael Gerber

Das Buch ist super lustig, also es gibt einige Stellen wo man wirklich beim lesen lachen muss. Der Inhalt ist auch sehr gut geschrieben und mir wurde auf keiner Seite langweilig, wo ich sagen musste ich lege es weg, dass gab es nicht.

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review 2014-02-13 05:00
Barry Trotter And The Dead Horse
Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse - Michael Gerber

When I first found this book, a parody, I thought it had to be fun, as my sister and I like to make fun of some certain scenes in the Harry Potter books and movies ourselves. For example the scene where Ron is under some love spell in HP6. And I do like to read a parody, as long as it's done properly, and funny and with some respect to the original. (I do really like the musicals Starkid has made about Harry Potter)



But, I was really disappointed. There were a lot 'jokes' in it that just weren't funny, and there was no story in it at all. I actually liked the first few pages the best, in which is explained that it has nothing to do with JK Rowling. It took me quite some time to finish the book, as I was not interested at all in what was going to happen next. Perhaps I should have read the first books before reading this one, but I don't think I will go and find out.


Don't give it a try, it's awful.

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review 2013-04-06 15:47
The E-Myth Revisited Rev Ed: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It
The E-Myth Revisited Rev Ed: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do about It - Michael E. Gerber The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber (?)
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review 2013-02-23 00:00
The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies
The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies - Chet Holmes,Michael Gerber,Jay Conrad Levinson,Michael E. Gerber Okay, it's another American book on business and this one is perhaps even more `American' than all the others. Everything is repeated, data is served in very small chunks, the author is shamelessly self-promoting on every single page, etc...


I do believe the content of this book and the learnings you get from it are extremely useful to increase your companies sales productivity. I also liked the link the author makes between business and life. Success in either one basically requires a very similar set of skills.

The Ultimate Sales Machine is a very practical book with exercises, examples, simply laid out strategies and tactics. The key learning, which I love, however, is the do-this-and-do-that but that `pigheaded discipline and determination' will bring you everywhere you want. And that's a great thought for (business) people to understand.
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review 2013-01-01 00:00
Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody
Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody - Michael Gerber,Rodger Roundy am sewing of an evening.

I picked this up at Powell's in the Portland airport during an especially long, uncomfortable flight (4 planes, 2 airlines, 18 hours....) and wound up laughing out loud during my Portland to Minneapolis leg - my seatmate thought I was nuts, but it sure took the edge off the flight!

Don't look to this book for intellectual stimulation, or for a 'sacred' look at Harry in his adulthood. These people are more your every-day Joes, just looking for a way to get by, and stumbling more than they stand. A very relaxing, and relaxed, look at the Potters, by an author who is relaxed enough about himself and his writing to not only poke fun at his characters, but at himself.

Having an especially tough day? Pull this out and have a giggle, you deserve it!
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