Sofia runs a blog on the school computers. She listens in the girls' room to get her gossip. Naturally she only hears part of the story then adds what she wants to make it sound juicy. She is upset when Mia, the most popular girl in school, likes Andrew, Sofia's crush. Then just when she thinks it cannot get any worse, her mother starts substituting at her school. What will she do?
I found Sofia a hoot. She is exactly like the girls who aren't popular but want to be and since she has access to blogging she hopes that she will pick up more followers for it. She also has a lot of gossip about Mia. She practices for her blog with a notebook which she loses at times. Not good because who has it, who sees it, who reads it! Fortunately she finds it but who has read it? She hopes no one but she does not know for sure. I remember Mias from my school days and it was no different back then as now.
This is fun. I enjoyed the format of a notebook as she tells her story. I also enjoyed her artwork, especially the snarky comments. They are the most truthful and school is still the same.
What a beautiful story!
I love reading about animals, but to read it from the animals perspective is way cooler! It was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster though. Not every chapter had a happy ending. That's what made this story brilliant though. It captured everything you could imagine for that space and time. Once, I got choked up, had to put the book aside for a few minutes before finishing.
I look forward to The One and Only Bob. So much so, in fact.