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text 2014-02-23 23:35
Mistress of the Wind - Michelle Diener

Sorry all! I can't resist sharing a post by Courtney Milan on self-publishing. I'm inching towards trying this myself, and so, completely obsessed by it. Didn't help that I was talking yesterday with Michelle Diener who is producing her own fabulous self-published books. Mistress of the Wind has a stunning cover. 


Do you read self-published books? or prefer ones from publishers you know and trust? Or do you truly not care?

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review 2014-01-27 00:00
Mistress of the Wind
Mistress of the Wind - Michelle Diener ***ARC received through Netgalley***

review to come
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review 2013-12-26 07:30
A Middle-Grade Fantasy with incongruous NA content
Mistress of the Wind - Michelle Diener

When I chose this book, the synopsis promised me:

A captivating and magical adult retelling of the fairy tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon.

What I got was:

a magical middle-grade retelling of the fairy tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon with an awkward mention of an 'erect penis'


And that's really my biggest complaint. 


It felt like the author really wanted to be writing a middle-grade/YA fantasy book, and she could have pulled that off beautifully with the framework she built, but instead she tried to ride the NA wave and draw in an older audience by adding some sexy times to her story. Unfortunately, I didn't feel like she was comfortable writing it and I was bored reading it.


Other than that one incongruent sexual reference, the love scenes were very vague and mostly "fade to black." I didn't go into this expecting an erotica or anything, but if you're going to market it to adults and throw in words like that, then don't prude out on me. Either refer to sex completely in vague terms, or tell me what happens, but you cannot throw in a graphic phrase for shock value and then fade into the next day when the girl is "sore down there." It just doesn't fit with the story.


Since this was supposed to be a NA book, I had higher expectations for world-building and wanted a deeper romance, but found this really was just the original fairytale with some padded action scenes and dialogue. She followed the fairy tale almost exactly (I looked it up on Wikipedia to make sure). That would be fine, except I don't personally care for fairytale retellings unless they take the original and put a new spin on it. This was just like reading a Hans Christian Anderson story, only a little longer and with a unexpected penis reference. Are you uncomfortable seeing Hans Christian Anderson and penis in the same sentence? Me too. Those two things just don't belong together, which is why I was put off by it.


The NA content (which honestly doesn't add anything to the story and is pretty sparse) could be eliminated and this would instantly become a great middle-grade fantasy book. This is a story I would have loved as a 13-year-old girl. But since it's there I can't recommend it for younger readers either, and it felt too juvenile for me to enjoy as an adult.


If you are an adult who likes middle-grade books and fairytale retellings, you may enjoy this story, but since that wasn't what I was looking for, it left me disappointed.


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review 2013-12-14 17:47
Glad i requested this story!
Mistress of the Wind - Michelle Diener
               Arc provided by Season Publishing through Netgalley



This was pretty much a perfect fairy tale retelling...weren't it for the beginning, and the end.


Although being a fairy tale addict, this was the first time i read this fairy tale. Of course i was familiar with the basic guidelines of this tale:


_Guy (during the night )/bear, (during the day), seeks woman to engage in serious relationship in order to break course.
_Woman must be the "one"...and must not have serious allergies due to large amounts of fur!
_Woman must not try to see the lover's face.
_After a while woman takes a peek (lol) at her lover's face: "Oh, isn't he gorgeous!"
_Lover wakes up..
_All is lost!
_Woman must try to get her lover back


It seems straightforward right? Well, in reality it wasn't..


Author Michelle Diener takes this re-telling to another level.

She doesn't restrict herself to East of the Sun, West of the moon retelling. Instead we are also given parts reminiscent of Psyche's quest. Which just allowed for a much more richer story. I loved reading about the Norse mythology.


The landscape in which the story takes place was just beautifully portrayed.

What is it with snow, that makes for such terrific descriptions?


The characters, well defined, interesting and intelligent. I loved how there was parts in which the author tried (and succeeded) in giving us readers, a balanced (mostly...after all, he's a guy!) male character. Bjorg understands Astrid's dilemmas, and why she would behave in a certain way.


She's a character that takes what life gives her, always trying to make the best of it. She's not a simpering miss, and you can see almost from the start how those two are really perfect for one another.


The second part of the story, shows us Astrid in her quest to save Bjorg. I loved it.
Here we have a strong female character _a powerful female character _ that takes matters into her own hands, and Deals with It.


The villains
Well, they were intelligent, i must give them that!!

When i got to the last pages of the story, and realized what were their aces (or ace) i was dumbstruck!!
Very well played...it's always good to be surprised!


So why not a five star rating?
Because i would have liked a little more story, a little more development before Astrid and Bjorg ended up involved.

Although, in the other hand, i understand why the author wrote it like this:
Difficult times, death lurking, a man who has living as a bear for almost a year, a woman who always done what was to be expected of her. Someone who has been living for her family.


Also regarding the way the story ended, i would have liked to have been given something more...maybe a little show of how their daily life would come to be.

Yes, because happy endings take time and trouble! ;)


Bottom line: Loved this, and i can't wait to read the next story of this series.


Author Official Site


Buy "Mistress of The Wind"

Kobo store (pre-order)


I will be adding more links on where you can buy this as soon as the author displays them.


Thank you, Season publishing for allowing me to read and review this Arc.



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review 2013-12-13 16:16
Mistress of the Wind - Michelle Diener
The beginning of this was exactly what I look for in a fairytale retelling. It was whimsical and enchanting. The story also stayed very true to the original legend. It’s based on the Norwegian folk tale of East of the Sun and West of the Moon. 
Basically a prince’s stepmother turns him into a bear because she’s evil and sucks at life. He has to jump through a bunch of hoops to defeat the enchantment. One of those is finding a girl to share his castle for a year. During the day he is a bear, at night, a man (for the sexy times). Only, she’s not allowed to see him when he’s a man so he only comes to her in full darkness. If she catches sight of him, he loses the bargain, the enchantment will be broken, and he’ll be forced to marry his stepmother’s daughter, who looks something like this:
Not only would Bjorn, the prince, have to marry this stunner, but his stepmother would rule the land and bring misery to all. I’m sure you can understand his desperation to avoid that. Enter the worst choice he could have made in whom he chose to live with, Astrid. 
People, stubbornness does not always equal strength. Sometimes it equals stupidity, as in the case of this female lead. Obviously her actions are rooted in the original myth and I can’t fault this book for sticking to it. What I did take issue with was her lack of remorse. Bjorn tells her repeatedly that he cannot explain why she can’t see him because of the enchantment. He tells her it would endanger them both, endanger them all. But because she’s stubborn to the point of stupidity she insists on trying to discover the truth.
This is what it led to: 
Just replace the panda with something like a polar bear and the truck with all of their enemies and you get the picture. The dumbass lights up a candle that her mother snuck her and lays eyes on him. Of course, everything is now ruined. Okay, that’s fine, it’s in the original myth. What was missing for me was her learning something from it.
Proper reaction: 
Her reaction: 
“Oh, the enchantment is broken? You have to take a troll for a wife? Everyone in your kingdom is now in jeopardy? I’m sure I can find some way to come rescue you.” 
This is a popular theme, by the way. 
One thing that confused me was the message on the ARC site that I picked this up from. It said something along the lines of this being intended for adult readers. I’m not entirely sure why that is as the sex in this was all the fade to black kind. My perverted little self was disappointed by that after getting my hopes up over that disclaimer. I WAS PROMISED SMUT! GIVE ME THE SMUT!
So, a good retelling in that it kept true to the original story even while greatly building upon it but my irritation with the female lead dragged this down from a 3.5 stars to 2.5.
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