The Perfect Legal Job Search - Miyoko Ma...
I got this out at NESL when I applied for the Goodwin job. Offer verbs: enhance, bring to, contribute, provideSalary requirements are negotiable.When scheduling the initial interview -take control of the situation -- how are you going to respond when you get a response from your application -- watch your tone. Keep your materials at hand to be prepared. Stall for time. Ask who will be interviewing you. How much time to allow for the interview? Identify the hiring criteria. Ask: How many resumes were received. I put a lot of time into writing my resume, and I was wondering what it was that suggested you call me in for an interview? Be prepared for screening questions. Sound friendly and upbeat.Informational interviewing -- big fan. Use it to tryout your material, especially if you are re-entering or entering something a little different. Gets you back in the swing. Identify contacts. Letter first. A short profile statement (a lawyer with considerable experience within the Greater Philadelphia nonprofit sector). Why you are writing. Disclaimer -- not asking for a job. Do not include your resume. Action step -- I will call your office within a few days. Networking meeting. Entry (rapport, disclaimer, rationale, intro, transition) -- body (topics: are my objectives realistic today? If you were in my shoes, what would you do? personalization -- how did your career develop? employment trends) -- exit (wrap-up -- referrals (can u think of anyone else I might talk to? Would you mind if I used your name?). Final note -- email or mail a quick thanks.Profile statement: where you are coming form, where you want to go, your credentials to go there. No more than a paragraph.Storytelling. use a story format to frame your accomplishments. situation -- action -- results.Negotiating salary. Avoid premature disclosures. Delay, respond with a range only after you've researched, shift the focus away, emphasize flexibility. Research: legal careers, salary finder. -- career center. -- salary survey of the WSJ, salary survey info, salary calculator, law, legal salary tables. legal services, zip code. Consider all pay elements. Request frequent performance reviews. Place a value on the job itself (if the salary is low, but the job could be of value to you in the long run). Take notes during verbal discussions. "I'll probably forget to tell my husband the details when I get home, so I'd better write them down." Request time to think over an offer. make a counteroffer. Most employers, except those who are hiring new law school graduates, expect a counteroffer. you have nothing to lose by asking, but your goal in negotiating is to reach a mutually acceptable agreement, not to squeeze every last dollar out. But if you do not ask, you will not receive.Long-range/distance search. Do your homework. Connect with people: your school's career office, your school's alumni office, alumni directory, visit the area -- contact your new contacts first by letter, and then arrange a visit. The bar association in your targeted area. local newspapers and publications ( for legal). Consult the cost-of-living index. Bar admission. Interviewing -- make your reason for moving to the area plain to increase your yield.