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review 2017-05-01 17:02
Prospero's Children - Jan Siegel

It wasn't bad, just not really my thing, I guess. I was bored most of the time.

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review 2016-12-25 00:23
La brughiera - Thomas Hardy,Ada Prospero,Attilio Bertolucci

Il concetto tragico che Hardy ha della vita è qui, nella tetra e selvaggia brughiera di Egdon, luogo immaginario che racchiude in sé le asperità e le incertezze della natura e dell’esistenza umana.

Protagonista e spettatrice è la brughiera di Egdon, dove le stagioni passano, i destini s’incontrano, si attraversano e si compiono.

Nella lentezza dello svolgersi del tempo, una figura si staglia lassù, sul poggio. Immobile, come il colle su cui posa. È lei, Eustacia, selvaggia come la natura che la circonda, bella come una dea, capelli neri e anima in tempesta. Diversa dalle altre donne di Egdon, sgradita come una strega. In questo luogo desolato, il suo unico desiderio è essere amata. Amata alla follia. L’amore era per lei l’unico cordiale che potesse distruggere la divorante solitudine delle sue giornate.”

Non brama un innamorato, auspica l’amore.

Nella brughiera, in questo melodramma carico di passioni e debolezze umane, si consumano amori e rancori fra i sogni di chi torna per restare, e i miraggi di chi ne è prigioniero e anela di fuggire.

Il fato, intanto, tesse la sua tragica tela.

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review 2016-01-20 14:18
Prospero Burns - Dan Abnett

A good book, but not at all what I expected. Need to work on tamping down what I think a book will be, but in this case this book was billed as "A Thousand Sons from the Space Wolves point of view", and I was very much looking forward to it. About a third of the way in I realized this was a very deep, very introspective book on the Sixth Legion and their motivations leading up to the last 40 pages or so where the battle of Prospero is finally revealed. Having to go back and study some of the difficult parts to read REALLY slowed my reading down. Good premise by Abnett, but fair execution. Reading the last 40 pages was great, but I was also thinking "where was THIS for the last 400 pages?". Still enjoyed the Space Wolves back story, though.

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review 2015-03-12 02:49
Review: Deadly Spells (Prospero's War #3) by Jaye Wells
Deadly Spells - Jaye Wells

Very glad this is not the end of this series!!

What I liked: There was an error on Goodreads that indicated this would be a trilogy. I think every one panicked, including me. The world Ms Wells has created in this series is certainly worthy and entertaining enough for more than three books! 

The previous book, Cursed Moon wasn't my favorite. I'm not sure which is harder for the writer, the first book or the second. So much to establish in the first entry but enough to keep the reader hooked and then following it up with another to lay the ground work for the series as a whole. 

Ms Wells is moving this series characters slowly forward but not without drama, character development and world building. I like the flow of Deadly Spells, it's at the perfect speed with a crescendo here and there. I'm still not exactly sure what Volos is up to and how his character is going to shake out (that's a good thing). I have no doubt he's not a very good guy but there seems to be more going on with him than we've been privy too so far.

Kate had me a bit frustrated concerning her love life and feelings in this installment of the series. I couldn't get a good read on her and her expectations for her life until right at the end. Her actions at the end gave me a better feeling for her character and her actions.

Of course there are a myriad of other characters and we finally get to know a bit more about Agent Gardner and how her life spun out of control.  I really like her character as she seems to be grounded but a bit mysterious.

What I didn't like: It wasn't so much about what I didn't like as more what frustrated me. Kate!! Back and forth with her emotions and her feelings. Yeah, I know, not a bit deal but I wanted her to "man up" a few times but it turned out okay....for now.

Overall, a good solid read. If you like Urban Fantasy and police procedurals, you'll really enjoy Deadly Spells!!


Source: www.justtalkingbooks.com/blog/review-deadly-spells-prosperos-war-3-by-jaye-wells
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text 2014-03-11 22:44
Another NEW FAV! Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells
Dirty Magic - Jaye Wells

It is the year Kriss finds YA and new Urban Fantasy to wet her appetite!


I have NO CLUE where I managed to find this one 

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