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review 2022-03-04 22:25
Barefoot Contessa at Home
Barefoot Contessa at Home: Everyday Recipes You'll Make Over and Over Again - Ina Garten,Quentin Bacon

This cookbook has about a handful of recipes that I’d be willing to try but the majority of recipes are for dishes that I typically wouldn’t eat or even prepare for others at my house.  They didn’t seem everyday to me. I’m not an adventurous eater nor do I stick to a routine when it comes to recipes but I guess you could say, that I have some limitations when it comes to food.  Here are some of the dishes that I think sound delicious: Caesar club sandwich, maple baked beans, summer garden pasta, honey white bread, garlic & herb tomatoes, old-fashioned potato salad and tomato, mozzarella & pesto panini.   That left is plenty other recipes that someone else might find appealing, recipes such as parmesan-roasted cauliflower, peanut butter & jelly bars, blue cheese coleslaw, stuffed cabbage, fresh pea soup, shrimp bisque and lemon fusilli with arugula.  These are just a few examples of the many recipes that are included in this book.


Ina gives us plenty of personal information in this book beginning in the intro and at the beginning of each of the sections.  Ina has included 6 food sections in this book, an intro, a credits sections, an “if you’re visiting the hamptons” … section, a menu section, and two indexes.


The food section consists of: soup & sandwich, salads, dinner, vegetables, dessert, and breakfast.   There are 14-17 recipes included in each section.  For each recipe you will discover a picture of the prepared dish, how many the dish will serve, a small paragraph describing the dish, a list of ingredients and step-by-step directions.  There is a picture to accompany each recipe which to me is a big plus. You will not find any nutritional information nor how much the serving size is or many total cups the whole recipe yields.  I really wish cookbooks would include either the total cups or the serving size per person as that really helps me when I am cooking.  Sometimes I can tell by looking at the list of ingredients but sometimes, it’s hard to tell.  The pictures make the recipes look delicious!


In the “if you’re visiting the hamptons…” section Ina highlights some of the places in the Hamptons that are her favorites.  From farmstands, places to eat, to places to visits, there are pages listing the establishment, the address and what makes this business so special.   Using this cookbook, Ina puts together some of the recipes and creates menus for different occasions under the Menu section.  From a holiday dinner, to a birthday breakfast, to a summer BBQ, Ina puts the dishes together for you.  There are 2 indexes which I like in cookbooks.  One is the general index and one is the recipe index.  Another big plus for me in this cookbook.  For content, I would give this cookbook a 2 for me but for the other aspects that I look for in a cookbook, I would give it a 4.5.    

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review 2020-05-12 02:02
Matilda - Roald Dahl,Quentin Blake
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-Cycle

This is such a magnificently wonderful book. It is a real treat to read.

I grew up loving the movie and saw the musical adaptation a few years ago. I love that all three versions are slightly different, but all are amazing.

This book is fantastically creative, well-written, and gets right to the core of the fears and fascinations of childhood. Each chapter of the book was so interesting. I love the world that Dahl creates. It's so easy to get sucked right in.

In typical Dahl fashion, it can be quite a ridiculous, violent, and odd journey at times. Very different from much of modern children's literature, but still fantastic in its own right.

This is one of my favorite books by Dahl along with James and the Giant PeachThe BFG, and The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me.
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2020-03-27 09:04
3Meds . com "Online Pharmacy" Door Step Delivery Reliable Trust Able
George's Marvellous Medicine - Roald Dahl,Quentin Blake

3Meds is one of the best medical portal in India to buy  medicines  online at lowest price.  Being diagnosed with Diabetes is a life changing event, when you are exposed to a life or death situation and you realize that you can’t run from the truth. 3MEDS – (Anti Medicine supplier in India ) understands that this is an expensive disease. But 3MEDS also believe that Diabetes patient should not only survive rather they should live a healthy and happily through their treatment. Hence, They provide Diabetes medicines at lowest price all over the India.

Here are some s related medicines which you can get at 25% discounted price at 3MEDS

Source: www.3meds.com
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review 2020-02-13 15:47
Danny oder Die Fasanenjagd // Danny: The Champion of the World
Danny oder Die Fasanenjagd - Roald Dahl,Quentin Blake

german and english review


Inhalt: Dannys Vater ist Automechaniker und ... Wilddieb!
Als Danny das erfährt, ist er zunächst entsetzt - um später seinen Vater noch zu übertreffen und selbst Weltmeister im Wildern zu werden. Natürlich ist das illegal - aber in guter Familientradition schlagen die bei den den wachsamen Wildhütern mit vielen Tricks und großem Vergnügen ein Schnippchen nach dem anderen.


Meine Bewertung: Wunderbare Vater-Sohn-Beziehung!!!


Es ist geschafft, das war das letzte Roald Dahl Buch, das ich zu Hause liegen hatte und noch nicht gelesen habe. Ich muss mir aber noch zwei oder drei kaufen.

Eigentlich wollte ich das Buch schon im Januar fertig lesen, doch das Leben kam dazwischen und einige gesundheitliche Probleme, alles was absolut nichts mit dem Buch zu tun hat. Deswegen hat es allerdings etwas gedauert bis ich das Buch fertig gelesen habe.


Das Buch selbst gehört nicht zu meinen absoluten Favoriten von ihm aber es war dennoch unheimlich schön und richtig unterhaltsam. Ich liebe Bücher deren Fokus auf Kind-Eltern Beziehungen liegen. Besonders hier die enge Verbindung zwischen Danny und seinem alleinerziehendem Papa. Die Geschichte an sich war einfach richtig lustig und hat mir total gefallen.


Ein Highlight war für mich die Gute Nacht Geschichte mit dem BFG.




Summary: Can Danny and his father outsmart the villainous Mr. Hazell?

Danny has a life any boy would love—his home is a gypsy caravan, he's the youngest master car mechanic around, and his best friend is his dad, who never runs out of wonderful stories to tell. But one night Danny discovers a shocking secret that his father has kept hidden for years. Soon Danny finds himself the mastermind behind the most incredible plot ever attempted against nasty Victor Hazell, a wealthy landowner with a bad attitude. Can they pull it off? If so, Danny will truly be the champion of the world.


My review: Wonderful Father-Son relationship!!!


It is done. This is the last Roald Dahl book that I had at gome that I still had to read. Now I just have to buy two or three more.


I planned on actually finishing this book in january but life happened and some health issues, everything that isn't related to the book at all. But that's why it took my a while to actually finish this book.

The book itself isn't one of my favorites but I still enjoyed it quite a lot and had lots of fun with it. I just love books that focus on Children-Parents relationships. I especially really loved the strong bond between Danny and his single father. The story itself was just really fun and I liked it a lot.


A highlight of mine was the Good Night story about the BFG.

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review 2020-01-16 16:18
Das Wundermittel // George's Marvellous Medicine!!!
Das Wundermittel - Sophie Dahl,Quentin Blake

german and english review


Inhalt: Haarfestiger und Haarentferner, Rostschutz und Frostschutz: Wer soll dieses Gebräu bloß trinken? Georgs Großmutter natürlich . . . Denn wer einen wehrlosen kleinen Jungen so triezt, hat nichts Besseres verdient. Am Anfang schätzt Großmutter das Wundermittel sogar: Es macht sie größer. Ihr Pech, daß sie so gierig ist, bald ist sie so lang wie ein Kran . . .


Meine Bewertung: Das hat einfach nur Spaß gemacht!!!


Das Buch hat mir wirklich richtig gut gefallen und hat einfach nur Spaß gemacht. So ein schnelles Lesevergnügen, wirklich lustig gemacht. Gehört eindeutig mit zu den Favoriten von Roald Dahl Büchern.




Summary: George's Grandma is a grizzly, grumpy, selfish old woman with pale brown teeth and a small puckered up mouth like a dog's bottom. Four times a day she takes a large spoonful of medicine, but it doesn't seem to do her any good. She's always just as poisonous after she's taken it as she was before. When George is left to look after her one morning, it's just the chance he needs . . .


My review: That was just so much fun!!!


I just really liked this book a lot, it was just too much fun. It was such a fast read and just super funny. Totally one of my favorite books of Roald Dahl.

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