I thought it would be a great idea if I show you some shamefull authors I haven't read yet (but really want to). Here's my top 5:
1. Rick Riordan
I havent read the Percy Jackson series (or his other other series) and I reaaaaaaally want to! I'm going to buy the new boxset in December and I'm going to read it then. FINALLY! I love mythology and I really hate it that I still haven't read this series.
2. George Orwell
Ariel Bissett made me really curious about George Orwell. 1984 is also on the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge, but I really want to read his other books as well. I also don't own them, so I'm waiting until I can buy them.
3. Rainbow Rowell
Her books are so popular on booktube, but I don't have that much interest in reading them. If I want to pick up a book by her I think it would be Eleanor and Park (just because of the cover), but her books aren't so high on my tbr-pile.
4. George R.R. Martin
I'm really interested in reading the Game of Thrones series, but I'm scared! Those books are so huge and I don't read that much fantasy. I also don't kow if I want to buy the boxset first and then try to read them or buy the first one and then see how it goes. If I'm going to buy them I would love to have this series in these covers:
5. Dan Brown
His books are high on my list and especially Angels and Demons and The Davinci Code. I saw the movie of Angels and Demons a few months ago and I loved it! I don't know if I have to read his books in order of publication or if I can read them randomly. Leave that in the comments if you know the answer! I feel like almost everybody in my family has read some of his books, even though they usually never read, so I really want to read them as well!
What authors haven't you read (and are you embarrassed of)?