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Search tags: Richard-Brittain
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url 2015-11-10 19:28
Author Richard Brittain Pleads Guilty for Attacking Reviewer with Wine Bottle
Wild Rose Richard BrittainRemember last October, during the Katherine Hale controversy, when we heard about the reviewer who was whacked over the head with a wine bottle while working in supermarket Asda in Scotland by author Richard Brittain who’d travelled 500 miles to do so as revenge for a negative review?


Well, yesterday he pleaded guilty to assault and another charge of stalking another woman. Bail was refused and sentencing will take place at a later date.


All the UK national news organisations have reported on it:


  • Daily Mail: ‘I could have died’: Asda shelf-stacker, 18, tells how she was bottled by Countdown champion who travelled 500 miles to Scotland to attack her after she gave his book a bad review online
  • Daily Mirror: Teenager bottled by ex-Countdown champion for giving his book bad review: “I could have died”
  • BBC News: Author Richard Brittain attacked reviewer with bottle
  • Metro: Ex-Countdown champion bottled a woman who gave his book a bad review
  • Telegraph: Teenager bottled by ex-Countdown champion for giving his book bad review
  • Independent: Countdown champion Richard Brittain pleads guilty to tracking down and attacking teenage girl
  • Daily Record: Former Countdown champion hunts down Scots teenager and bottles her.. for giving his BOOK a bad review
Source: literaryames.wordpress.com/2015/11/10/author-richard-brittain-pleads-guilty-for-attacking-reviewer-with-wine-bottle
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review 2015-06-22 00:00
The World Rose
The World Rose - Richard Brittain image
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review 2014-11-10 22:19
The World Rose - Richard Brittain

Not even with a ten foot pole:




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review 2014-11-07 00:00
The World Rose
The World Rose - Richard Brittain wouldn't use it for kindling....
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text 2014-10-26 05:14
What #HaleNo and #Bloggerblackout Really Mean.

I feel the need to have a space where these two hashtags can be explained in an accessible way as possible.  I'm not perfect and my explanation of them may not be everyone's explanation of them, but I ask you to please take a moment to read my subjective interpretation.  If you've anything to add, please do so in the comments and I will be happy to include them in this post.  I'd love for this to be a community explanation.

#HaleNo is a hashtag that represents blogger's taking a stance against the recent insanity to do with Kathleen Hale stalking a blogger to her home, and now also has to do with Richard Brittain, an author who stalked a reviewer and committed physical harm against her.  It is a peaceful protest against that sort of behavior in the community.  Also, this needs to be made clear: We also do not support the recent doxxing of Kathleen Hale and many bloggers reported that incident.  I just wanted that to be heard.

#Bloggerblackout is a movement that has been ignited due to the recent events.  In short, it's a movement where bloggers are choosing not to review until October 27th (although I have heard that some are prolonging their blackout) in order to get back in touch with their roots.  The truth is, blogging is for the bloggers and the reviews are for the readers.  I think it's great when bloggers and authors and publishers form beautiful relationships.  I really think that's a wonderful aspect of blogging, but I don't think it's ever been intended to be the main aspect.  Please respect that bloggers are trying to remember why they began blogging in the first place and to rekindle their love for it.

The reason why I didn't participate in the #Bloggerblackout is because I do not do ARC reviews in general.  At least, not yet.  I've been reviewing much older books.  However, I do 100% the #Bloggerblackout for however long the bloggers want to maintain it.

I hope this explains a few things.


I will be doing more posts of this sort on my blog, if you'd like to see them.  Thank you for reading and I hope we can spread the message of what these hashtags really mean.

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