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url 2015-11-25 04:21
Two Editions Of The Same Book Demonstrate How Our Society Has Changed In 30 Years
The Best Word Book Ever; More Than 1400 Objects - Richard Scarry

This children book has changed to be more gentle equal

and inclusive. 



Because he loved the book so much as a child, Alan immediately noticed that the 1991 edition had some pretty obvious changes. Most of the updates reflected the changes in society, many in reference to gender equality.


And this illustration shows Mom and Dad working together in the kitchen, as traditional gender roles had shifted and evolved between 1963 and 1991.


On the playground, the characters' genders were switched up, too, as the sexes became less strictly separated.


That's a good start. 


The page on jobs has changed, too. While the teacher was switched from a female to a male, other occupations — like a train conductor and a soldier — were swapped out for a photographer and a judge. It's hard to say exactly why this was done.


Some changes, though, don't seem to make sense at all. The name of this sailboat has been changed, and its flag has disappeared.


Gretel was the name of an Australian America's Cup challenger and Sydney to Hobart race winner. So was White Swan in the late 1980's. The change reflected not only that, but the boat no longer used a woman's name, as it gives the wrong message of objectifying women. 


Pretty nice changes. 

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review 2014-10-23 00:00
The Bunny Book
The Bunny Book - Patricia M. Scarry,Richard Scarry This covers a variety of jobs a child might dream up for themselves or family members as they guess what they will be when they grow up. It is fun to see kids react to the various careers such as doctor, lifeguard, lion tamer, mailman, etc. So many parents try to guess what their child will be so it can be a fun read for them too.
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review 2013-12-11 08:04
Best Lowly Worm Book Ever - Richard Scarry

Lowly is a busy little worm. In this never-before published story by Richard Scarry we get to follow Lowly on a busy day.  We see his morning routine, his day at school, and finish up with his Good Night routine. In between we get to see Lowly play hide and seek, practice counting, and work with different community members.


This is definitely a book that you'll want to read more than once. There is so much to see on each page.

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text 2013-08-21 05:46
30-Day-Book-Challenge - Day 21: Favourite book from your childhood
Mein allerschönstes Buch von der Schule - Richard Scarry

Heute gehe ich einfach mal davon aus, dass nicht nur Bücher mit Kapiteln erlaubt sind, sondern eben auch Kinderbücher.

Mein allerschönstes Buch von der Schule von Richard Scarry war in meiner Kindheit eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsbücher. Ich würde es fast als Familienerbstück bezeichnen, es ist nämlich definitv älter als ich und irgendwie fand es dann vor vielen Jahren dann den Weg in meinen Besitz.

Die Geschichte an sich ist eigentlich recht simpel: Es geht um Ulrich (einen jungen Kater), den man durch seinen Schulalltag begleitet. Zusammen mit seinem Freund Egon (einem Wurm mit Hut) erlebt er allerlei lustige Dinge, sei es nun auf dem Weg zur Schule, im Klassenzimmer oder auf einem Ausflug mit der Klassenlehrerin (einer fülligen Bärendame namens Fräulein Zuckertortel). Beim Durchblättern lernt man viele Sachen kennen, wie z.B. das Alphabet, die Zahlen, die Wochentage, die Monate, die Uhrzeit, Maße und Gewichte usw. Es gibt unglaublich viele lustige Illustrationen, die fast alle beschriftet sind, sodass man beispielsweise lernt, was der Unterschied zwischen Hemd, Jacke, Mantel, Anorak, Overall und Regenmantel ist.

Als ich klein war, habe ich dieses Buch geliebt und jetzt, wo ich es mir gerade wieder ansehe, finde ich es immernoch so toll wie früher. Ich erinnere mich daran, dass ich es stundenlang mit meinem Opa zusammen durchgeblättert habe und wir immer wieder neue lusitge Dinge entdeckt und uns eigene Geschichten dazu ausgedacht haben.

Ganz klar ist das also mein allerliebstes Buch aus meiner Kindheit!

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review 2013-04-17 08:24
Richard Scarry's Early Words
Richard Scarry's Early Words - Richard Scarry

Wonderful vocabulary teacher. Bright, bold illustrations.

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