The second installment in the Amy Lane series moves the timeline forward a bit and, of course, complicates Jason’s life a bit more. It isn’t just Amy, who finds her world opening just a bit more than she thought.
It’s nice to see both Amy and Jason develop as characters and to see Amy’s world expand just a little.
It’s also funny and sad to see drugged Amy. She drugged herself so it’s not a creepy drugging.
What I particularly enjoyed about this installment is the increase in communication that Amy has with other women, which to a degree was a weak point in the first novel. Amy hasn’t just accepted Jason; she has taken too his mother and his sister. Jason’s sister also grows in this novel and we find out more about the detective’s duo. What is also important is that the foursome’s trust in each other is tested.
The speed of development between Amy and Jason’s relationship is well done. While Claverton plays with the “will they get together”, she keeps it real. Both Amy and Jason have problems, and Amy’s mental and emotional issues are factored into her reactions/actions towards Jason. This is also complicated by the arrival of her sister.
The pacing is a bit faster than the first novel, though the plot could have been a bit tighter. There are times when it feels like you it is one thing too many. The ending, however, is great.
My kindle edition included a short story where everyone gets together to celebrate Jason’s birthday. Amy’s present and Jason’s reaction to are good, but I loved the interaction between Amy and Jason’s mum.