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quote 2017-05-15 18:04
I am finished with myself, with my sacrifices and my pity, with what chains me. I am going to make a new beginning. I want passion and pleasure and noise and drunkenness and all evil. But my past reveals itself inexorably like a tattoo mark. I must build a new shell, wear new costumes.
Henry and June: From "A Journal of Love"--The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin (1931-1932) - Anaïs Nin

Anaïs Nin

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quote 2017-03-02 21:03
Tolerance was bullshit. Fuck tolerance. Madison was tolerant, except for when it wasn't. Madison was tolerant unless you strayed so much as a mile outside in any direction or invited people from the outside in. Chad Perry was from Kenosha it turned out, and then it didn't work, did it?

Poppy wasn't something to be tolerated, like when you got a cold. And yes it was annoying, and no you weren't going to die, so buy some tissues and a book about zombies and go to bed for a few days.

Head colds should be tolerated. Children should be celebrated.
This Is How It Always Is: A Novel - Laurie Frankel

This is how it always is / Laurie Frankel

Track 15 (punctuation guessed)

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quote 2014-04-29 18:05
While the controversy between Freud and Jung concerned theoretical matters, the exchange could not have been more personal; Anna Freud later remembered that the summer of 1913, just before their final break, was the only time she could remember her father depressed.
Freud's Requiem: Mourning, Memory, and the Invisible History of a Summer Walk - Matthew Von Unwerth

Matthew Von Unwerth, Freud's Requiem

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