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review 2020-04-20 16:05
Review: Keepers & the Soul Key (Meridian Chronicles #4) by M.D. Fryson
Keepers & the Soul Key - MD Fryson




What has happened to Aiden after his selfless act of sacrificing his life for Meridian? Where did Meridian go? True love can break the curse, but only an act of true love from a twin soul sets her free. Their epic and sudden departure have left their friends, witches, fairies, and spirits in search of their souls. While the high court demons strategize their attack of the hall of souls to absorb the angels' power — the only demoness at court has her secret obsession, and she used Moloch, the dark one's soul collector, who may have taken more than just one soul of a wicked witch. Astaroth's secret obsession and help from Moloch may indirectly help the dark one's plan. But there is one problem that lingers. Lahash, the rogue demon of the high court, has been charged to destroy his obsession, Echo, the Earth nymph. After kidnapping her and taking her to the dark realm, she is weakened and cannot fend off the brooding demon's lust. In a passionate moment, Lahash finally confesses why he is so obsessed with the nymph, and she admits her secret knowledge of human souls. The search for Meridian and Aiden surfaces a shocking revelation. Aiden is trapped and needs to be saved, but from who? The spirit guides demand the return of a spirit guide from the keepers, who remains in the hall of souls. They believe this spirit guide can stop the demons, save the spirit guide realm, find Meridian, and save humankind. The keepers, known as the angels, have one request that the chosen one must accomplish before Etheria can be saved, and Aiden to be returned. There is only one weapon that can destroy the demons, and it is the angels' quartz sword hidden on Earth. Will Etheria's chosen one of the spirit realm find the sword? Will the demons be destroyed, or will dark one's plan triumph? Can the fallen finally be freed of their awful fate? Will Lahash kill Echo? Find out if all is to be in vain or if the chosen one can defeat the demons, connect with her twin soul, and form the powerful soul key that can save all.






My Thoughts


*I received a free copy from the author and chose to leave a voluntary review. Thank you!*

What a great conclusion to the series. I read it all in one sitting and did not put it down other than to get food and bathroom breaks, and even than I sometimes took it with me . When I started the series I was a bit confused, there were just so many people and so much going on with world building that I had a hard time staying focused. BUT once I got into and got to know the people better I loved it. I’m so glad I stuck with it. This being the last everything wraps up, but not before it takes us on a wild ride with lots of loops, twist and turns along the way. I really enjoyed not only this book but the entire series, it has everything I love in a book, paranormal, romance, action, suspense and lots of humor. I’m looking forward to more books from this author.


I rate this book a full 5★






Will be available April 24th 2020

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review 2020-02-28 14:30
ARC REVIEW Unforgiven by Jay Crownover

UnforgivenLoveless Texas #2, I'm listing this as more contemporary then suspense because while there is a mystery and some action it falls secondary to the emotional romance between Hill and Kody. I was so excited for Kody and Hill and it did not disappoint. Hill has loved Kody from the very start of their friendship but as they got older Kody fell for his brother. Hill while happy for them was heartbroken and as soon as he could he left. Kody was torn between the two brothers, Aaron was her age and the most like her he was quick to react, moody, and so sweet. Aaron and Hill Gamble were Kody's first real friends and even after Hill left Kody would call on him for advice. But Hill could only take so much loving Kody from afar and seeing how Aaron was falling apart and sometime horrible to Hill so Hill started to back off. It wasn't fair that Aaron killed himself before the wedding and it wasn't fair that Kody spewed all her anger at Hill and Hill took it because he thought she was right it was all his fault. Now he's ready to take the brunt of her anger and hatred again because her father was murdered and he was the one who told her.

Kody starts to remember that her feelings for Hill go way back and even as mean as she has been to him since Aaron's death Hill still stands by her, he still worries about her and he still in little ways shows her he cares. Little by little Kody starts to realize her anger was misplaced and that his abandonment all those years ago is what fed her anger. But Hill his here now and although the timing might not be ideal Kody and Hill are finally getting their chance to clear the air and as long as the psycho killer doesn't get to her first they are willing to try for their HEA.

The small suspense part deals with who murdered Conrad Lawton and why. Hill while not technically on the case is helping out because the Tx Rangers believe have a local will help loosen lips and as hated as Conrad was the suspect list is endless. Now the ending is a little open ended all the major question get answered but one little detail is left which is what leads us to the next book. Overall, outstanding book. It's an emotion book about unrequited love finally coming to fruition. The suspense part was good, I enjoyed it and I kind of figured it was going to leave off the way it did.


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review 2020-02-05 17:25
Review:A Bad Day for Sunshine(Sunshine Vicram #1)by Darynda Jones
A Bad Day for Sunshine - Darynda Jones





Sheriff Sunshine Vicram finds her cup o’ joe more than half full when the small village of Del Sol, New Mexico, becomes the center of national attention for a kidnapper on the loose. Del Sol, New Mexico is known for three things: its fry-an-egg-on-the-cement summers, its strong cups of coffee—and a nationwide manhunt? Del Sol native Sunshine Vicram has returned to town as the elected sheriff--an election her adorably meddlesome parents entered her in--and she expects her biggest crime wave to involve an elderly flasher named Doug. But a teenage girl is missing, a kidnapper is on the loose, and all of it's reminding Sunny why she left Del Sol in the first place. Add to that trouble at her daughter’s new school and a kidnapped prized rooster named Puff Daddy, and Sunshine has her hands full. Enter sexy almost-old-flame Levi Ravinder and a hunky US Marshall, both elevens on a scale of one to blazing inferno, and the normally savvy sheriff is quickly in over her head. Now it’s up to Sunshine to juggle a few good hunky men, a not-so-nice kidnapping miscreant, and Doug the ever-pesky flasher. And they said coming home would be drama-free.





My Thoughts



***I received a free copy from the publisher via Netgalley and chose to leave a voluntary review. Thank you!***


To be honest I was a bit nervous about this book after her great Charley Davidson series and if it would hold up to it. And I’m happy to report, yes, it does. It is different than Charley Davidson, but still very good in his own rights.

Admittedly, it took me about 5-10% to really get into it but then I really enjoyed it.

We get both POVs, Sunshine and her daughter Auri’s , which I really enjoyed. I loved it, and that way, sort of get two stories in one, but also the main plot combines the two.

The story is pretty fast –paced but still easy to follow and keeps you on your toes until the last page.

I loved Sunshine and Auri and their relationship, matter fact I liked all of the characters.  Both are super funny and smart and can hold their own, but also love to have a shoulder to lean on when needed.

I liked Levi but so far he was not my favorite and sometime came over more of an ass than anything, but maybe that will change the better we get to know him.

I did however like Cruz very much and can’t wait to see more of the two of them together, I think that will be so much fun. I think them with Jimmy will be a hoot.

Zee and Quincey were also super fun, but we do get more of Quincey, and I loved that and him.

I really enjoyed this book and the suspense, I wouldn’t caller it a thriller but most definitely suspense filled. We do get some nice twists and turns, some I saw coming but most not. Of course we get lots and lots of snark and humor which I loved filled and topped with some hunky sexy men and moments. But we also get some tender and heartbreaking moments in the mix.

While I loved most of the book there were some things I could have lived without. It felt off and unnecessary, looking back now.  The premonition for example.

I think I spotted a Charley Easter egg which I loved, but I can’t be too sure lol.

Overall, I think it was a great first book in a new series and I’m looking forward to reading more now that we have most of the introductions of main story line and characters out  of the way .

I rate it 4 ★







Will be available 

April 7th, 2020


Amazon*** B&N *** Kobo 




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review 2020-01-27 16:54
ARC REVIEW Cowboy Courage by Carolyn Brown
Cowboy Courage (Longhorn Canyon, #6)Longhorn Canyon #6, Yay! It's Hud finally. A second chance romance. Rose, Hud's middle school crush, shows up in town to help her great aunt run her B&B and gift shop while she's on vacation with the Fab 5. Rose is at a crossroads in her life right now she can either re-up in the Army or do something else with her life as long as it's not going back to her family in the commune. One thing she knows for sure she's not going to make a decision based solely on a guy, not even a guy she's never stopped thinking about since she left without saying goodbye. Hud knows it's her choice whether to stay or not and seeing how there is not a opportunities for a multilingual language specialist he's worried he's going to lose her before they even get the chance.

In a funny Murphy's Law sort of way Rose and Hud are pushed to their limits. Both Rose and Hud have to face some truths before they can finally admit their feelings but when they do nothing will keep them apart not even a tornado in January. I really enjoyed this book. I loved Hud and Rose. I would love to see more of Great Aunt Luna she's my kind gal. Overall, this is a fun read Hud is a real sweetheart and Rose is a bright head strong woman  who picks her battles wisely. I am really looking forward to Pax's story next. 



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review 2020-01-22 14:26
BLOG TOUR, EXCERPT, AND GIVEAWAY Almost Just Friends by jill Shalvis


ABOUT ALMOST JUST FRIENDS (a standalone Wildstone novel)

Piper Manning’s about as tough as they come, she’s had to be. She raised her siblings and they’ve thankfully flown the coop. All she has to do is finish fixing up the lake house her grandparents left her, sell it, and then she’s free.
When a massive storm hits, she runs into a tall, dark and brooding stranger, Camden Reid. There’s a spark there, one that shocks her. Surprising her further, her sister and brother return, each of them holding their own secrets. The smart move would be for Piper to ignore them all but Cam unleashes emotions deep inside of her that she can’t deny, making her yearn for something she doesn’t understand. And her siblings…well, they need each other.
Only when the secrets come out, it changes everything Piper thinks she knows about her family, herself…and Cam. Can she find a way to outrun the demons? The answer is closer than she thinks—just as the new life she craves may have already begun.
Book four of the series but is completely a standalone. Piper has spend part of her childhood and young adult life raising her two siblings. Now that they are out of the house and living their own life she wants to fix up the house sell it and continue on with her education to become a Physician's Assistant. But on her birthday her sister comes home unexpectedly and her brother soon after and both say are home for good for reasons they won't explain. Piper can feel herself slipping back into her old role but with the help of her new neighbor, Cam, she just might be able keep from becoming a mother hen again and become their sister and friend. But it's easier said than done especially when her siblings are hiding something from her. That's only part of the problem, Cam has waken a desire in her she has never felt before and knowing he plans to leave soon she tries to keep her heart out of the equation. Cam is trying to build a relationship with his father after the death of his brother and Piper is a good distraction. He knows as soon as he meets her that she is something special and the more he knows the more he wants her in his life.
Overall, it was a good read Cam was sweet and together things got pretty steamy. The story is emotional and funny at times. The two siblings are a hoot along with Cam's Dad. It's a heartwarming story of three siblings trying to find their path in life and learning it doesn't always go as planned even though you wrote it in your bullet journal. 
The last time a woman had ordered Cam to strip had been a very different scene altogether, and it’d been a while. Generally speaking, he liked to be behind the wheel in most situations, but he’d never had any complaints about a woman driving in his bed. “Interesting bedside manner.”
“Okay,” she said. “How about strip, please.”
He laughed, and he realized that until tonight, it’d been a damn long time for that too. “Well, since you asked so nicely . . .” But still he hesitated.
“Trust me, I’ve seen it all before.”
He pulled off his shirt, wincing when the cotton stuck to the deepest slice across his chest.
Piper blinked, and for the first time all night, appeared short of words.
It was pretty damn cute, especially with the mud on her nose. “Thought you’ve seen it all before.” She bit her lower lip, eyes suddenly hooded, and he couldn’t resist teasing her. “So, how do I stack up?”
That got her, and she rolled her eyes. “Like you don’t know. Sit.”
The couch seemed too . . . personal, so he sat on her coffee table. She dropped to her knees at his side and doctored up first the cut on his left palm from where he’d nicked himself in his dad’s kitchen, and then the two slices on his left biceps, and then the biggest one across his chest, during which time he did his best to ignore the feel of her soft breath on his skin and failed.
When she’d finished, she looked down at his cargoes and saw the blood seeping through from his thigh. Rising to her feet, she stepped back, gesturing for him to lose the pants too.
“Seriously,” he said. “Doesn’t even have to be dinner. An appetizer would work.”
“If you’re real good, I’ll give you a sticker.”
“How about letting me look at your secret secret bucket list instead?”
Her eyes narrowed. “How about we stop talking now?”
“Wait.” He cocked his head. “Does this mean you also have a secret bucket list? And possibly a not-so- secret bucket list?” 
She had hands on hips; a fresh, clean gauze in one hand, antibiotic ointment in the other, her expression dialed to Not Feeling Playful.
With a rough laugh, he stood and took the gauze and ointment from her. “I got this one, Doc.” And then he gestured for her to turn around.
She did with a smirk, and then spoke over her shoulder. “Didn’t peg you for the shy type.”
“Oh, I’m not shy.” He shoved his icy, muddy, wet cargoes to his thighs, and yeah, the cat had come within two inches of de-manning him. “Just didn’t want to have to fight you off.”
“Don’t worry,” she said. “I always get verbal consent first. And I bet you didn’t want me to see your tighty-whities.”
He gritted his teeth as he cleaned out the cut. Son of a bitch, that cat had gone deep. “They’re not tight and they’re not white.”
“Batman undies?”
“Commando,” he said, and that shut her up. When he’d finished and pulled his pants back up, he lifted his head and found her facing him. His brows went up. “See anything you like?”
Instead of answering, she blushed. And he grinned because, yeah. She’d definitely seen something she liked.

From Almost Just Friends by Jill Shalvis, published by William Morrow. Copyright © 2020 by Jill Shalvis. Reprinted courtesy of HarperCollinsPublishers https://www.harpercollins.com/9780062897800/almost-just-friends/
William Morrow are GIVING AWAY a copy of this book to enter it's easy just comment on my blog here or my Book likes page, my Facebook page, or my Instagram and on Jan 31st I'll pick a winner. Comments in each places will count as individual entries.
(fine print: I am only responsible for picking the winner WM is fulfilling the prize, the winner must supply snail mail address to me and I share it with no one except the person at WM who will mail it UPS. Open to US and Canada)
New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras full of quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is, um, mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold and visit her website, www.jillshalvis.com, for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.

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Facebook: @JillShalvis
Twitter: @JillShalvis
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