Ok, I'm not sure it's worth a wrap-up as I only read one book. I knew I was not going to read a lot during the week end, I'm still glad I managed to read one book, and one novella out of a bind-up.
Total of books read: 1
- V-Card by Alicia Michaels
Total of novellas read: 1
- The Assassin and the Pirate Lord (79 pages into Assassin's Blade) by Sarah J. Maas
Pages read: 212
I could not take part in the read-a-thon on Twitter cause I was not home and had some issues with my phone, so I could not even connect on there. It's sad cause it's something I really enjoy in read-a-thons, seeing other people's progress and interacting with them. Still, I had fun!
Hope the next one will be better for me!
Thanks for reading,