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review 2020-01-28 15:52
The Split - Sharon Bolton

I have a long list of books to read, carefully stacked in proper order. Then I get a book by Sharon Bolton. And all my plans go out the window, along with the list. Every single time.


But here comes the hard part….writing a review. If you’ve read her stuff before, you know you rarely end up where you thought you would & I’ve learned to go in with a healthy dose of paranoia. Her plots are like those puzzles with 1000 tiles…you never know which piece might change the whole picture. In fact, my tip for all her books is to go in knowing as little as possible & just enjoy the ride. So what do I share here without giving the game away? If I follow my own advice it would go something like this.



Part 1: we meet the MC in a unique setting & by 10% in, I’m on high alert.


Part 2: Change of place as we go back 9 months to get some history & meet more characters. Stuff is happening and….wait. What?!


Part 3: Ah, some pieces are starting to click into place. I got this. It’s the guy with the thing, I knew it. Oh no. No, no, no.


Part 4: Ho…lee…crap. Sorry, what I meant to say was more stuff happens, my teeth are chattering and…seriously? Followed by big finale.



Too much detail? Ok, maybe I can expand a bit without spoiling any potential WTF moments.


The story begins in South Georgia, a small island between the Falklands & Antarctica. Felicity Lloyd is a glaciologist & part of a small research team working for the British Antarctic Survey. Their isolation is broken periodically by the arrival of cruise ships during the short tourist season. And Felicity can’t wait for it to be over. Just one more ship & she’ll be safe for another year.


We quickly realize two things about her. This is a woman who’s literally gone to the end of the earth to disappear. And she’s absolutely terrified of who may step off that ship. That would be Freddie Lloyd, her husband. Unfortunately, we already know where he’s been & where he is now. When Felicity sees his name on the ship manifest, her worst fear is realized. But she prepared for this day long ago & it’s time to put her plan into action.


The story is divided into 4 sections & this first one is relatively short. But boy, does it set the tone. The remote setting, frigid weather & Felicity’s fear….all of these are so well described you can feel them in your bones. The tension is palpable & the author has served notice you’re in for an unsettling ride.


Parts 2 & 3 are set in Cambridge, beginning 9 months prior to present day. Here we get some background on Felicity’s life & the people who crossed her path before she fled. As part of the medical requirements for the position in South Georgia, she has to get signed off by a therapist as fit for the job. And so she meets Dr. Joe Grant. Joe is a mild mannered, likeable guy with some interesting history of his own.


More characters & plot lines are added in these sections. A mysterious rollergirl, a troubled homeless man, Joe’s mother Delilah & several others weave their stories into the mix. Connections between them are slowly doled out as we continue to learn more about Felicity’s past.


That’s it, folks. I’m determined to keep this spoiler-free. The stage is set for our return to South Georgia in part 4 & by the time we get there, I guarantee you’ll have more questions than answers. There are tantalizing glimpses of where the story is going. But contradictory & unreliable versions of events make you feel like you’re standing in quicksand. Nothing is predictable & you’re never sure who you can trust or believe. It’s a psychological mind bender of a read that saves some of the best twists for last. Sure, you could argue a few moments stretch credibility & conveniently propel the plot but its strength lies in the author’s ability to create scenes so atmospheric that you feel you’re walking in a character’s shoes.


If you’re in the mood for something comfy, cozy & relaxing, look elsewhere. But if you want to spend a few hours on the edge you’ve found your next read. Your reading tool kit for this book should include: whale music, a Medic-Alert button, thermal underwear & wine.




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review 2018-08-13 00:14
The Craftsman - Sharon Bolton

4.5 stars


When I’m asked to recommend great crime/mystery books, this author is always on the list. If she wrote a book on installing linoleum, I’d read it.  In this outing she branches off in a new direction, adding magic & supernatural elements to the usual mix of crime, mystery & memorable characters.


Florence Lovelady is an Assistant Commisssioner at the Met. Thirty years ago she began as a lowly WPC in Sabden, a northern town in the shadow of Pendle Hill. And it was an infamous murder case there that made her career. Now she’s back. The killer she helped put away in 1969 has finally died in prison & Florence wants to see him go in the ground. Bit ironic as that’s what he did to his victims. The difference is they were alive when he buried them.


As Florence attends the funeral in present day, we get a bare bones history of just what took place all those years ago. We learn she actually boarded with the killer & his family & she can’t resist returning to the now derelict house one more time before she leaves for good. Unfortunately, what she finds there will cause her to question everything she thought she knew & this time it’s her son who will pay.


Not going to blab about the plot too much. As with all Ms. Bolton’s books, it’s best to go in blind for maximum effect. She’s the queen of jaw-droppers & you’ll enjoy it more if you discover things with Florence as she revisits a traumatic past.


The book started a bit slow for me but after the prologue, it shifts to 1969 & we get the full story of Florence’s time in Sabden. From there on it’s a compulsive read as we gradually shift back to events in the present. So many elements contribute to the story. We get a taste of what it was like to be a female cop at that time. The isolation, ridicule & sexism Florence faced on a daily basis will spike your blood pressure. There’s a line in there that goes something like “this is how men act when facing something they fear”. In this case, it’s a smart, resourceful woman who might be a better cop & refuses to just shut up & make tea.


The setting & its history provide the creepy atmosphere that helps propel the story. Witchcraft, brutal murders & a town full of clannish, suspicious people…I couldn’t help but think this place would fit snugly into something written by Stephen King. It’s obvious not all is as it seems in Sabden. There are hints of things commonly known but never spoken of & deeply guarded secrets. The effect is a constant, low level feeling of menace that keeps you slightly off balance & a tad nervy about turning the next page.


Then there are the characters. My favourites included Dwane (not your average sexton) & Avril & Daphne, 2 witches with attitude who I enjoyed much like the nuns in “Dead Woman Walking”. But the star of the show is Florence. What a pleasure to read a female MC who is strong, intelligent & quick on her feet. No histrionics & not given to the dumb decisions that usually have me rolling my eyes in frustration.


It’s so much more than just a whodunit. Personal asides & sub plots flesh out the story & bring the characters to life. From her letter to readers at the beginning, it’s clear this is a book the author has wanted to write for a long time & I hope she’s pleased with the end result. If her goal was to keep me up waaaay too late so I could race through the final pages, mission accomplished. Bring on book #2.





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review 2017-10-18 20:27
Dead Woman Walking - Sharon Bolton

Sharon Bolton is a relatively new author to me. I can't believe it has taken me this long to find her! And find her, boy did I in this book. I have read one other book by her, "Little Black Lies", which I also gave a five star rating. I will definitely be picking up every book of hers I see now.

Wow!!!!!!! WHAT A GREAT READ!! I sped through this book. A story that begins with a hot balloon ride wherein the passengers witness a murder. One of the passengers, Jessica, takes a picture of the murderer and the murderer has a picture of her in his mind. He is hellbent to find her and he will.

This story has so many twists. The biggest twist I didn't even see coming even though the hints were there. They were so well disguised that I literally said "OMG" out loud!! I mean they were staring me in the face even - I won't say how so as not to spoil it. However, you will figure it out once you've read the book.

Pulse racing, thrilling, unputdownable I enjoyed the heck out of this book!

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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review 2017-03-04 18:14
Dead Woman Walking - Sharon Bolton

Jessica Lane has always depended on her big sister Bella. A childhood riddled with tragedy made them even closer until they went their separate ways. Jess was sent to live with an aunt & uncle & Bella became a nun.


Now Bella is turning 40 & Jess has the perfect gift….a view of the world beyond the abbey’s walls from a hot air balloon. What could go wrong? Oh man, where to begin….


If you’re a fan of the author, you know she is famous for sneaky knock-out punches you never saw coming. Half the fun is trying to figure it out before she drops you to your knees so I don’t want to give too much away. Suffice to say while Jess, Bella & 11 others are soaring over the Northumberland countryside, they see a nasty crime in progress. Jess is shocked to realize the man looks familiar. And he’s staring right at her. The last thing he needs are witnesses & by the time the dust settles, the balloon has crashed killing everyone on board. But as he picks through the bodies he only counts 12. Wait…where’s the young woman he locked eyes with?


Well, turns out the lone survivor is up a tree. When she comes to, all she knows for sure is she has to run. It’s the beginning of a deadly game of cat & mouse along the Scottish border that grows increasingly complicated once the police are involved.


The overall plot is extremely complex & there are many side stories that flesh out a large cast of characters. Two time lines run simultaneously. In alternate chapters we go back & follow Jess & Bella as they grow up. We know something terrible happened when they were young & pivotal moments are gradually revealed & woven into present day events.


Yeesh…could I be any more vague? It’s one of those books where the less you know going in, the better & I’m getting dangerously close to spoiler territory.


The story moves along at a good pace thanks to short punchy chapters told from multiple POV’s. But to be honest, I had trouble connecting with the MC’s for the first half. It’s obvious that a lot of information is being withheld & only slowly doled out as the book progresses. Because of that, I had a hard time understanding some of the characters’ actions & motivations & it prevented me from being completely invested. At about 45% a couple of big pieces fell into place, the lights went on & from that point I was all in. All of a sudden I understood some of our heroine’s dodgy decisions & it became a true page turner.


At the very end there is a twist that seems a little too neat but it’s a minor quibble after a couple of classic Bolton bombshells that will have your jaw heading south. The characters are very diverse & I particularly enjoyed Sister Belinda, an elderly nun who has watched waaay too much CSI.


The end is satisfying & evokes a range of emotions as the characters (and readers) finally get their answers. It may not be my favourite book by Ms. Bolton but she sets the bar so high, I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a smart, intricate thriller that will mess with your head.




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review 2016-12-06 22:41
Spannend und interessant konstruiert, eher schwaches Ende
Er liebt sie nicht: Thriller - Sharon Bolton,Marie-Luise Bezzenberger

So ein richtig spannender Thriller muss mich dazu bringen, dass ich die Nacht durchlese und das Buch dann morgens beim Anblick meiner Augenringe im Spiegel verfluche. Das hat "Er liebt sie nicht" auch definitiv geschafft - aber nach zwei Nächten mit nur wenig Schlaf tippe ich diese Rezension dennoch nicht 100%ig begeistert.

Aber fangen wir erstmal mit etwas Positivem an: Die Geschichte ist erfrischend originell und umschifft dabei gekonnt die Klischees des Genres. Eine Anwältin, die nebenher sehr erfolgreich True-Crime-Bücher schreibt, wird von einem charismatischen Serienmörder gebeten, seinen Fall zu übernehmen, denn sie sei die Einzige, die überhaupt eine Chance hätte, ihn freizubekommen. Und nebenher bekommt sie es mit dem Polizisten zu tun, der den Mörder damals eingelocht hat und jetzt gar nicht begeistert davon ist, dass sie ihm den größten Fall seiner Karriere ruinieren will.

Klingt noch gar nicht so originell? Liest sich aber wirklich wie etwas ganz Neues, und das liegt zum Teil sicher an den ungewöhnlichen Charakteren.

Maggie Rose ist alles andere als eine typische Thrillerheldin. Denn die sind zwar oft starke Frauen, aber meistens mit ausgeprägtem Gerechtigkeitssinn und einem Herzen aus Gold. Maggie dagegen wirkt auf den ersten Blick eiskalt und berechnend - und auch auf den zweiten, dritten und vierten. Sie verdient gutes Geld mit den Büchern, die sie über Mörder schreibt, und hat auch schon mehr als einen aus dem Gefängnis geholt, indem sie Lücken in den Beweisen aufdeckte, die zu seiner Verurteilung führten. Als Hamish Wolfe sie bittet, seinen Fall zu übernehmen, macht sie direkt deutlich, dass es ihr vollkommen egal ist, ob er die Frauen ermordet hat oder nicht. Sie interessiert nur, ob der Fall anfechtbar ist oder nicht.

Aber gerade wenn man denkt, sie wäre eine ziemlich einseitige Persönlichkeit, zeigt sie dann doch wieder unerwartete Eigenschaften - und ab und an sogar ein Gewissen und ein wenig Mitgefühl. Ich fand sie zwar nicht immer sympathisch, aber immer interessant!

Hamish Wolfe dagegen hatte es bei mir schwer, denn er soll wahnsinnig charismatisch sein, wirkte auf mich aber arrogant und überheblich. Allerdings lernt man schnell eine ganz andere Seite von ihm kennen: in Form von glühenden Liebesbriefen, die zunächst nicht näher erklärt, aber immer wieder zwischen Kapiteln eingestreut werden, ohne dass man weiß, wer die Empfängerin ist. Tatsächlich hatte ich im Laufe des Buches dann öfter das Gefühl, über völlig verschiedene Personen zu lesen, und habe mich gefragt: wer ist Wolfe wirklich? Ein Meister der Manipulation, ein brutaler Serienkiller, und das unschuldige Opfer einer perfiden Intrige? Die Autorin lässt den Leser zappeln.

Pete Weston, der Polizist, der Hamish damals geschnappt hat, war mir von den drei zentralen Charakteren am sympathischsten, aber auch bei ihm gilt, dass nicht alles so ist, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheint...

Im Laufe des Buches gibt es einige unerwartete Wendungen: Begebenheiten erscheinen in ganz neuem Licht, Personen erweisen sich als abgründiger als gedacht... Die Karten werden mehrfach neu gemischt - und auf einmal stellt der Leser fest, dass er sowieso die ganze Zeit dachte, man spiele ein völlig anderes Spiel. Und das ist wahnsinnig spannend und unterhaltsam, zumindest meiner Meinung nach. Als erfahrener Thrillerleser kann an sich eine entscheidende Wendung zwar ab einem gewissen Punkt schon denken, aber damit hat man noch lange nicht erraten, wie es ausgeht!

Gegen Ende hatte ich jedoch mehr und mehr den Eindruck, die Autorin übertreibe es damit, den Leser um jeden Preis in die Irre führen zu wollen. Ich hatte das Gefühl, auf einmal ein ganz anderes Buch zu lesen, denn das rasante Tempo konnte nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass in der Auflösung nicht alles schlüssig zusammenpasste. Die letzten Szenen sind zwar actionlastig und schreien geradezu nach einer Verfilmung, sind in meinen Augen aber nicht gänzlich glaubwürdig.

Aber obwohl mich die Auflösung enttäuschte, war es im Großen und Ganzen dennoch ein gut geschriebener, unterhaltsamer Thriller. Die Frage ist, ob man nach einem großartigen Buch ein eher schwaches Ende verzeihen kann oder nicht. Ich habe dafür in meiner Bewertung einen Stern abgezogen.

Den Schreibstil fand ich sehr ansprechend und flüssig zu lesen.

Eine eiskalte Anwältin. Ein charmanter Mörder. Und ein Kriminalfall, bei dem sich immer wieder alles ins Gegenteil verkehrt und der Leser nie sicher sein kann, was er glauben soll.

Den Großteil des Buches fand ich brillant kontruiert und geschrieben, aber gegen Ende verlor es in meinen Augen einiges an Glaubhaftigkeit. Dennoch bereue ich nicht, den Thriller gelesen zu haben, denn er ist vielleicht nicht vollkommen schlüssig, aber dennoch sehr unterhaltsam.


Source: mikkaliest.blogspot.de/2016/12/er-liebt-sie-nicht-von-sharon-bolton.html
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