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url 2015-11-10 19:28
Author Richard Brittain Pleads Guilty for Attacking Reviewer with Wine Bottle
Wild Rose Richard BrittainRemember last October, during the Katherine Hale controversy, when we heard about the reviewer who was whacked over the head with a wine bottle while working in supermarket Asda in Scotland by author Richard Brittain who’d travelled 500 miles to do so as revenge for a negative review?


Well, yesterday he pleaded guilty to assault and another charge of stalking another woman. Bail was refused and sentencing will take place at a later date.


All the UK national news organisations have reported on it:


  • Daily Mail: ‘I could have died’: Asda shelf-stacker, 18, tells how she was bottled by Countdown champion who travelled 500 miles to Scotland to attack her after she gave his book a bad review online
  • Daily Mirror: Teenager bottled by ex-Countdown champion for giving his book bad review: “I could have died”
  • BBC News: Author Richard Brittain attacked reviewer with bottle
  • Metro: Ex-Countdown champion bottled a woman who gave his book a bad review
  • Telegraph: Teenager bottled by ex-Countdown champion for giving his book bad review
  • Independent: Countdown champion Richard Brittain pleads guilty to tracking down and attacking teenage girl
  • Daily Record: Former Countdown champion hunts down Scots teenager and bottles her.. for giving his BOOK a bad review
Source: literaryames.wordpress.com/2015/11/10/author-richard-brittain-pleads-guilty-for-attacking-reviewer-with-wine-bottle
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url 2014-10-23 21:49
Kathleen Hale: Why Research Her Background? #HaleNo

“I think in my humble opinion that this is getting a little out of control. Why look through all of her articles for more ammo to call her crazy? The stalking is more than enough to hang her out to dry with. If these pieces had been written by someone else, I don’t think they’d be getting the same reaction.”

I’ve come across this sort of comment a few times.


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Source: literaryames.wordpress.com/2014/10/23/kathleen-hale-why-research-her-background-haleno
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url 2014-10-23 21:48
Authors Stalking Reviewers: From intimidatory Kathleen Hale to violent Richard Brittain #HaleNo

Kathleen HaleUntil now authors stalking reviewers had largely remained in cyber space rather than face-to-face. Kathleen Hale spent money finding the address a writer of a one-star review of Hale’s book, hired a car and landed on the doorstep of an understandably shocked and flabbergasted victim, who was then further victimised by Hale’s disturbingly vivid account of her obsessive and criminal actions in the Guardian which failed to remove identifying information.


Richard Brittain took this one giant leap further.


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Source: literaryames.wordpress.com/2014/10/23/authors-stalking-reviewers-from-intimidatory-kathleen-hale-to-violent-richard-brittain-haleno
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url 2014-10-23 18:22
Blogger Blackout

Because stalking is never ok...I support Blogger Blackout.

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url 2014-10-20 23:46
Victim or Perpetrator?- The Hale Case

This whole thing frightens me. I've had a few angry messages sent to me from authors pissed off over my negative reviews. But I certainly never expect one to drive to my house, call me and threaten me.


The fact she seems to not get how very wrong she was is boggling. Even if Blythe slammed your book wrongly, YOU FUCKING STALKED HER! THAT'S A CRIME!


And because of all this, Blythe has shut her Goodreads account down to only friends seeing her stuff. So I'm no longer allowed to read her reviews and see her updates like I used to. And I certainly wouldn't blame her for rejecting my friend request, since I am an author and she's been stalked by one of my kind. I feel so bad for her. And I hope she knows we're not all like that.


Authors: How many times do I have to tell you, not everyone will like your damn book!

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