I have read this story before, you have probably read this story before. It's a bit reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast and a lot reminiscent of "Yours Until Dawn" by Teresa Medeiros (better in my opinion) and "This is All I ask" by Lynn Kurland. It's more light and fluffy, less calories!, but in a mediocre way. Pancakes, pancakes without chocolate chips perhaps.
26yr old woman left destitute by irresponsible father. But wait! Godfather leaves her a bequest, a castle. However, this castle comes with a blind cranky Duke who claims the castle is still his. Interlude of, I hate to say it but, boring yawn interactions. Seriously, were was wolf dog? I wanted more of the wolf dog and the ermine, their feisty love/hate romance? intrigued me.
Anyway, Duke has a cousin and solicitors that are trying to discredit him so he must put on a good show and act competent or become a peasant nobody. Izzy (26yr old) and her merry band of knights and hand maidens (her father
not her father, her of course
wrote fairytales) battle together to keep the Duke in silk.
2 stars because this is Tessa Dare and her writing is credible but really just yawn. Look, I read a ton of romance so obviously there is somewhat of a formula I like and enjoy. This one however, did not feel fresh and did not intrigue me.
Read if you don't want to be taxed, want light and fluffy, and like beaten dead horses (umm, metaphorically of course).