The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush is an inspiring text about the main character Little Gopher pursuing his destiny. Although he is smaller than all the other boys and can never keep up, he perseveres and uses his artistic gift to paint pictures that his people would remember forever. This would be a great book to integrate when teaching a unit on Native Americans or when discussing culture. An extension activity could be to create an anchor chart with key characteristics of legends so students have a better understanding of them. It would also be fun to create a list of descriptive words and give students Indian names.
Guided Reading level: O
For more reviews, check out my blog Craft-Cycle A cool book that is as educational and as it is entertaining. A great way to learn about quicksand. The information is simple and easy to understand while still incorporating a fun story. A nice way to learn. And I really liked the ending. |
I love this book!! It would be to broaden my students horizons with their knowledge of other cultures by reading this book. It is very out there and mystical, but it does teach a pretty good lesson on not comparing your gifts to others', and on realizing that everyone plays an important role. It has a 2.8 reading level. I could have my students paint their own sunset scenes for fun. It would be fun and different.