The wonderful interview with Neil Gaiman telling the audience how he wrote a novel by accident.
He missed his wife, who was making an album. So, he wrote short stories that distract her from the album and pay more attention to him.
Then, he read to her what he wrote when she had done with making an album.
Interesting enough. And the interview had intimate details.
The interview link is from this book blog.
Neil Gaiman singing with his wife Amanda.
So sweet. I like it.
Also see the questions and answers session with both of them.
"Das ist ein Buch" von Lane Smith (Hanser Verlag)
Lustiger Trailer, in dem es um die Frage geht, was ein Buch alles kann bzw. eben nicht kann. Macht meiner Meinung nach Lust auf mehr :)
Wenn man die derzeitige Entwicklung in Bezug auf Ebook-Reader, Tablets und Smartphones in Betracht zieht, können wir nur hoffen, dass uns diese Frage von nachfolgenden Generationen nie wirklich gestellt wird!